

A partir de $0.99/mês. Avaliação gratuita disponível.
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Victoria Garland

We notify you before you’re sold out to keep customers happy. Help sales flow by restocking early.

With StockGlow you can be proactive about your inventory levels by setting up notifications for low stock items before they sell out. Set up a customized notification that can be sent instantly or on a schedule to allow you to keep your customers satisfied and help your sales volume. Send notifications to your suppliers to keep them up to date with your restocking needs.

With StockGlow you can be proactive about your inventory levels by setting up notifications for low stock items before they sell out. Set up a customized notification that can be sent instantly or on a schedule to allow you to keep your customers satisfied and help your sales volume. Send notifications to your suppliers to keep them up to date with your restocking needs. mais
  • Customize the stock level and recipient of the notification.
  • Get notified on a schedule or be instantly notified with email notifications.
  • Set Daily, Weekly or Monthly schedules.
  • Have the ability to email your suppliers when their products run low.



Esta aplicação não está traduzida em português (Portugal)



$0.99 / mês

  • Up to 250 products
  • 1 Notification included free
  • Scheduled weekly or monthly notifications
  • 1 recipient per notification
  • Email Support

Avaliação gratuita de 14 dia


$4.99 / mês

  • Everything on free plan, plus
  • 5 Notifications and 5000 Products
  • Notifications: instant, weekly

Avaliação gratuita de 14 dia

Todas as taxas são faturadas em USD. As taxas recorrentes e com base na utilização são faturadas a cada 30 dias.


Avaliação geral
Pontuação por nível de classificação
  • 0% das classificações são de 5 estrelas
  • 0% das classificações são de 4 estrelas
  • 0% das classificações são de 3 estrelas
  • 0% das classificações são de 2 estrelas
  • 0% das classificações são de 1 estrelas
Ainda não há avaliações


Assistência à aplicação fornecida por Victoria Garland.


Este programador não oferece assistência direta em Português (portugal).


Victoria Garland

PO BOX 99900 GR 115 960, RPO SDM, Fergus, ON, N1M 0B7, CA


19 de abril de 2024