vente incitative de chariot

vente incitative de chariot

Prix : Gratuite
Utilisation directe dans l’interface administrateur Shopify
Fonctionne avec les thèmes les plus récents
4,4 (113)
Gm infotech inc

tiroir de chariot coulissant - la vente incitative de panier vous permet d'augmenter vos revenus

Augmentez les ventes avec le tiroir de chariot coulissant - Vente incitative de panier pour augmenter les ventes et l'aov avec une solution de vente incitative de panier pour le mini panier et la page de panier de votre magasin. Améliorez l'expérience des clients en leur permettant d'ajouter des notes, d'appliquer des codes de réduction, d'estimer les tarifs d'expédition sans accéder à la page du panier ou de motiver les clients à acheter plus et de réduire les

Augmentez les ventes avec le tiroir de chariot coulissant - Vente incitative de panier pour augmenter les ventes et l'aov avec une solution de vente incitative de panier pour le mini panier et la page de panier de votre magasin. Améliorez l'expérience des clients en leur permettant d'ajouter des notes, d'appliquer des codes de réduction, d'estimer les tarifs d'expédition sans accéder à la page du panier ou de motiver les clients à acheter plus et de réduire les plus
  • Glissez et déposez un chariot de diapositives personnalisable un générateur
  • vente incitative de panier à la place, popup de panier ennuyeux
  • barre de progression de livraison gratuite, compte à rebours du panier
  • Afficher les recommandations de produits pertinentes dans le tiroir du panier
  • Remise sur les lots de produits dans le panier latéral
Utilisation directe dans l’interface administrateur Shopify
Fonctionne avec les thèmes les plus récents


anglais, afrikaans, akan, amharique, arabe, assamais, azerbaïdjanais, biélorusse, bulgare, bambara, bengali, tibétain, breton, bosniaque, catalan, tchétchène, sorani, tchèque, gallois, danois, allemand, dzongkha, éwé, grec, espéranto, espagnol, estonien, basque, persan, peul, finnois, filipino, féroïen, français, frison occidental, irlandais, gaélique écossais, goudjarati, galicien, haoussa, mannois, hébreu, hindi, croate, hongrois, arménien, interlingua, indonésien, igbo, yi du Sichuan, islandais, italien, japonais, javanais, géorgien, kikuyu, kazakh, groenlandais, khmer, kannada, coréen, cachemiri, kurde, cornique, kirghize, luxembourgeois, ganda, lingala, lao, lituanien, luba-katanga (kiluba), letton, malgache, maori, macédonien, malayalam, mongol, marathi, malais, maltais, birman, norvégien (Bokmål), ndébélé du Nord, népalais, néerlandais, norvégien nynorsk, norvégien, oromo, odia, ossète, pendjabi, polonais, pachto, portugais (Brésil), portugais (Portugal), quechua, romanche, roundi, roumain, russe, kinyarwanda, sanskrit, sarde, sindhi, same du Nord, sango, cingalais, slovaque, slovène, shona, somali, albanais, serbe, soundanais, suédois, swahili, tamoul, télougou, tadjik, thaï, tigrigna, turkmène, tongien, turc, tatar, ouïghour, ukrainien, ourdou, ouzbek, vietnamien, wolof, xhosa, yiddish, yoruba, chinois (simplifié), chinois (traditionnel), et zoulou

Fonctionne avec

Processus de paiement,, loox, Ali reviews,, Product reviews, yotpo

Affichage du panier

Annonces, HTML personnalisé, CSS personnalisées, Champs de code de réduction, Optimisation pour le format mobile, Panier coulissant, Case à cocher d’acceptation des Conditions générales, Minuteur de compte à rebours, Calculateur de frais d’expédition

Vente incitative

Recommandations de produits, Plus d’achats, plus d’économies, Expédition gratuite, Récompenses échelonnées, Cadeaux

Personnalisation du processus de paiement

Notes personnalisées, Réductions automatiques


Panier vente incitative, Barre d’annonce, Barre de progression, Panier coulissant, CSS personnalisées, HTML personnalisé, Éditeur avec fonction de glisser-déposer, Devises multiples

Offres et recommandations

Cadeau, Expédition gratuite, Compléments au produit, Réductions échelonnées, Recommandations basées sur l’IA

Analyses de données

Taux de clics, Taux de conversion, Performance des recommandations



Tous les frais sont facturés en USD. Voir toutes les options de tarification

Avis (113)

Note globale
Nombre d’avis par note
  • 83 % des avis sont des avis à 5 étoiles
  • 4 % des avis sont des avis à 4 étoiles
  • 1 % des avis sont des avis à 3 étoiles
  • 3 % des avis sont des avis à 2 étoiles
  • 10 % des avis sont des avis à 1 étoiles
7 juillet 2024

Not happy with this app.. for some reason there was automatically put an discount of 5% at our products.. we lost per sale €17!!!! We did not installed this, when you deleted this.. a day later it was created again. Be carefull when you use this app!

The Creators Academy
6 mois d’utilisation de l’application
Gm infotech inc a répondu 11 juillet 2024

Dear The Creators Academy,

We sincerely apologize for the trouble you experienced with the automatic 5% discount, leading to financial loss and frustration. We understand how crucial every aspect of your business is, and we regret any inconvenience caused.

It seems there was a misunderstanding regarding our app's features. In early July, we introduced an update to enhance our app by integrating Shopify's discount function. Our new feature ensures that only the discounts you enable in our app appear in your discount section. The previous version allowed the creation of multiple discounts at runtime, which we aimed to simplify with this update.

The automatic discount issue occurred because some of our widgets were enabled with default discount settings. We apologize for not making this clearer and for any confusion it caused.

We deeply regret that this misunderstanding led to a negative experience for you. Our goal is to provide tools that enhance your store's performance and make your job easier, not harder. We are truly sorry for any stress or difficulty this has caused.

We are committed to helping you resolve this issue and ensuring your satisfaction with our app. Please contact us directly at so we can assist you promptly and make things right. Your feedback is incredibly valuable, and we hope you will give us the chance to improve your experience and consider updating your review once your issues are resolved.

You can revise your review using this link:

Your support and understanding mean the world to us. We are here to assist you and ensure your success with our app.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

15 juillet 2024

This app randomly created an automatic "FREE SHIPPING" Discount even when it was never setup. It automatically discounted shipping costs from different orders. Be careful when using this app, hard to trust when settings are being randomly manipulated.

Musashi Swords
5 mois d’utilisation de l’application
Gm infotech inc a répondu 17 juillet 2024

Hi Musashi Swords,

Thank you for your feedback. We're sorry to hear about your experience, and we appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns.

It seems there was a misunderstanding regarding our app's features. In early July, we introduced an update to enhance our app by integrating Shopify's discount function. This update ensures that only a single discount, as configured within our app, appears in your discount section to prevent multiple discounts from being created.

The "Free Shipping" discount you mentioned was generated because you activated the free shipping progress bar option in our app. This is an intentional feature to help your customers enjoy free shipping as they meet the specified criteria.

We understand how important it is for your store operations to run smoothly. If this update has caused any inconvenience or loss, we are more than willing to compensate you for it. Our intention has always been to support your business, and we are committed to resolving any issues you may have.

We sincerely apologize for any confusion this has caused. We would greatly appreciate it if you could reconsider your one-star review. Honest reviews are essential to us, and we strive to ensure that every store owner has a positive experience with our app. Please contact us directly so we can assist you further and make things right.

You can revise your review using this link:

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

19 juillet 2024

This is highly recommended for an upsell shopping cart. If you have questions and send their customer service a message, they often respond within 1 day. Again, I really recommend this if you are looking for a good shopping cart drawer.

Woice Company
Environ un mois d’utilisation de l’application
Gm infotech inc a répondu 17 septembre 2024

Thank you so much for your kind words!
In case you need anything about the app, have a question or suggestion, our team is available 24/7 via live chat.

1 août 2024

Cart Upsell effectively helps increase sales. The ability to show relevant product recommendations is a great feature. I'm pleased with the sales increase.

InKing Wear
26 jours d’utilisation de l’application
3 juillet 2024

Customer service is non-existent and they do not have a live chat. The app has bugs, which harms the checkout experience for potential customers! I emailed them and even provided video proof, they never got back to me

Book Wardrobe
4 mois d’utilisation de l’application
Gm infotech inc a répondu 11 juillet 2024

Dear Book Wardrobe,

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you experienced with our app. We understand how crucial a smooth checkout experience is for your business, and we deeply regret any disruption caused.

The issues you encountered were a result of a major update we were implementing in early July. Unfortunately, during this update, some bugs affected the app's performance and our support system was temporarily inactive. We understand how frustrating this must have been, especially when evidence was provided and no response was received.

We want to assure you that these issues have been resolved. Our app is now working perfectly fine, and our support system is fully operational. As a valued long-time customer, your satisfaction is incredibly important to us, and we are committed to providing you with the best possible service.

Please contact us directly at so we can address any remaining concerns you may have and ensure everything is working smoothly for you. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we would greatly appreciate it if you could consider revising your review.

You can revise your review using this link:

Thank you for your understanding and patience. We are here to support you and ensure your continued success with our app.

Best regards,

Deep | Support Team
Gm Infotech Inc


Gm infotech inc peut répondre à toutes vos questions concernant vente incitative de chariot.


Gm infotech inc

9450 Southwest Gemini Drive, Beaverton, OR, 97008, US


Ce développeur n’offre pas d’assistance directe en Français.


21 juillet 2023

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