Arvostelut (1 203)

Lukumäärä luokitustasoa kohden
  • 82 % arvioista on 5 tähteä
  • 11 % arvioista on 4 tähteä
  • 3 % arvioista on 3 tähteä
  • 1 % arvioista on 2 tähteä
  • 3 % arvioista on 1 tähteä
Muokattu 13. helmikuu 2024

*UPDATE*****And these type of responses are why I’m happy I didn’t actually get to pay as I was about to. And fyi I was not using since 2018 and was actually about to look at purchasing, the one star was an accident, but I think I’ll leave it now. Pay attention customers, this is the company that wants your money. This is the way NOT to do customer service. If your app worked you’d have had a paying customer. Good luck there, stellar way to respond to a review. *

Hmm I just tried using again after an update and none of the free features work anymore. I understand they need to get paid for their work, but a heads up would have been great. I was never sure it was helping our site or not as I never saw any significant change in our traffic. But I did like the water marking and alt text. Back to doing it by hand again I guess.

The Pink Controller
Yli 5 vuotta sovelluksen käyttöä
Engage Apps vastasi 13. helmikuu 2024

Thank you for your review. The problem could have been solved by simply using the free watermark tool in the product photo editor section. The Admin options are now member-only features. I hope you have a nice day.

Muokattu 18. tammikuu 2025

Vermutlich wurden die Probleme weggekauft mit Guthaben-Erstattungen.
Diese App ist verwirrend, aber auch nicht funktionstüchtig!!

Das System ist schwerfällig (vermutlich ein billiger Server) und vollgerümpelt mit unnötigem Firlefanz, insbesondere bei Schlüsselwortanalysen, die fehlerhaft sind. Der support ist ebenso schwerfällig und scheint auf Zeit zu spielen! Nach jeder Rückfrage von mir, dauert es einen Tag!! Inakzeptabel!

Meine Schlüsselwortanalyse war komplett falsch. Der Support meldet sich nach 10 Stunden und sagte, das sei nicht so wichtig. Warum wird dann die App, die so schwerfällig und überfüllt ist, mit der angeblich unwichtigen Sache überlastet?
Außerdem steht in der App, dass es DOCH wichtig ist:

Liste der Schlüsselwörter, die auf Ihrer Homepage zu finden sind. Es ist wichtig, dass die Schlüsselwörter auf der Homepage mit dem Hauptschwerpunkt Ihres Shops übereinstimmen.>>>

Dann sah ich diese wirren falschen Homepage Schlüsselwörter:

await (44)const(47)doc (29)docref (23)docsnap (22)document (24)prodsts (24)return (26)this (73)var (42)

????????????? what ?????????? wtf

Natürlich nicht identisch mit meinen Schwerpunkt Schlüsselwörtern

Wird ja noch schlimmer. Habe diese Longtail-Schlüsselwörter hier gefunden:

await getdoc (9)await getdoc docref (9)await setdoc (18)await this (14)const docref (10)const docsnap (9)doc this (26)docref = doc (10)docsnap = await (9)getdoc docref (9)

Ich bin so sauer, weil immer merh der Verdacht aufkommt, dass seitdem ich die App benutze, keine Verkäufe mehr da sind. Und immer wenn ich Dinge geklärt haben möchte, kommen Standardantworten, ich solle mal dies oder das beachten. Ich habe dies und das beachtet, aber trotzdem kamen diese Probleme. Der Support tut dann so, als wenn es die Schuld vom AI oder einer anderen App sei. Bloss keinen Handgriff zuviel machen und mal selber eine gratis einstellung vornehmen zum Beweis! Ist das ihre Strategie zu verwirren? Nun wird der neue Supportservice angeboten, um richtig teuer abzukassieren. Nach updates im Hintergrund, kamen hyroglyphenartige Fehler in meinen Produktbeschreibungen vor. Das sei angeblich nicht ihre schuld, sondern andere Apps. Ja, ja!

Die Bulk Funktion funktioniert nicht. Die manuellen Optimierungen seit kürzlich auch nicht mehr. Trotz Fragen, konnten die nicht helfen. Zeit ist geld! Ich verliere nur Kosten, wenn ich alles manuell und nur mit Tricks hinbekommen muss.

Tags löschen hat auch nicht funktioniert. Ich wurde gefragt, was ich damit bezwecken würde. Ähm, ja löschen?

Ich habe die AI dazu angewiesen, die Textlänge X nicht zu überschreiten. Außerdem diese abgegessenen Formulierungen "entdecken sie" und erleben sie" zu vermeiden.
Ergebnis: Alle Anweisungen wurden übergangen!! Es reicht jetzt. Entweder Sie sagen mir, was hier los ist, oder ich gehe!

Aktuelle Meta-Beschreibung (rot) und Neue Meta-Beschreibung (grün) funktionieren nicht! Ich kann machen , was ich will.

Zeitverschwendung, Geldverschwendung. Im letzten Jahr musste ich 1095 Stunden damit verbringen. Ich habe nicht mehr Traffic "erlebt" und "entdeckt" !

Gerne würde ich mich eines Besseren belehren lassen, aber da kommt ja nichts ausser heisse Luft.

Vuosi sovelluksen käyttöä
Engage Apps vastasi 2. huhtikuu 2024

Vielen Dank für Ihr ausführliches Feedback. Ich verstehe Ihre Frustration über die technischen Probleme, insbesondere über die Probleme bei der Keyword-Analyse. Wir haben Ihre E-Mail erhalten und unser Team untersucht aktiv diese Probleme. Ich würde mich gerne direkt mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um auf Ihre Bedenken einzugehen. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mails auf unsere Antwort oder kontaktieren Sie mich unter

8. tammikuu 2018

This was working great until they made an update that required that you give them a review to keep using the free version.

220 Volt Depotr
Yli 2 vuotta sovelluksen käyttöä
5. toukokuu 2022

I cannot chat with anyone there is no live chat feature available. adding this app messed with my reviews code

Noin 2 vuotta sovelluksen käyttöä
Engage Apps vastasi 6. toukokuu 2022

Hi, sorry about that, the live chat is temporarily offline because of an issue with our service provider. Can you please email us the issue, jason at engageify dot com?

15. joulukuu 2020

The support team decided to challenge me on SEO and I was able to evidence that the support person's understanding was wrong and incredibly irritating to be so patronising when it wasn't even the reason why I was asking for support. So now, for everyone reading this - SEO King - if I delete your app do you delete everything done and optimised or is it left as is, but with us unable to change via your app. I want to remove your app, but I am worried that we are a slave to it. Does your app make a mess of people's site when removed?

Vape and Juice
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
Melkein 2 vuotta sovelluksen käyttöä
Engage Apps vastasi 16. joulukuu 2020

Hi, we're always sad to see a long time member leave. Our app is always being updated with the latest SEO features, so you're welcome back anytime you want to use the most advanced SEO app on the Shopify. Our app does NOT make a mess when removed, but you should turn off the JSONLD and 404 Errors options before removing.

6. joulukuu 2019

Don't use this app. Their service is the worst in the world. And this app is cheating. They said their advanced sitemap will help SEO, but actually messed up my SEO. That advanced sitemap makes google not able to crawl my website, and made my all products failed to validate. I wrote to them to ask how to delete their advanced sitemap, but they didn't respond. So, I go to their advanced sitemap to click on the red cross to delete, but they never told me in my shopify store redirect section still have their advanced sitemap redirect. So, I just deleted them. But suddenly, in my account, the image advanced sitemap showed up in sitemap section, I couldn't delete. I asked them, they no respond. So, I clicked on the update button, but their advanced sitemap auto turned on, that auto add advanced sitemap into my shopify store again. I requested them respond to me immediately to help me to fix. Even I called them, they didn't answer and still no response. So, I have to write this fact to tell the public. Don't get cheat by this app. That totally messed up my Shopify store SEO. And they don't care. Now I have to ask Shopify refund me.

Eagles|Patriots|Steelers Gear
Yli vuosi sovelluksen käyttöä
Engage Apps vastasi 8. joulukuu 2019

We always aim to provide our customers with the best experience and support necessary to achieve their goals. In your situation, our customer service went above and beyond, even looked into your site’s coding to point out a theme bug for you or your theme developer to fix, which would solve your issue. But there is a limit to what we can do when it no longer involves to our app, and instead of following our advice you started to threaten us. Our team was patient with you despite you berating them, but we do not tolerate threats when we are trying to help you.

22. joulukuu 2019

This app was great until I wanted to downgrade to the free version and looks like you can't use the free features anymore if you previously bought the subscription unless you buy it again.

Davidissimo Shop
11 kuukautta sovelluksen käyttöä
10. huhtikuu 2020

This app has just messed up my entire store. It looked pretty exciting when it scanned and made changes to my store but a few days later, any search on my website came up completely messed up. I am about to delete it. I pray it doesn't mess me up at this time when I have a lot of traffic

10 kuukautta sovelluksen käyttöä
Engage Apps vastasi 10. huhtikuu 2020

Hi, what's the issue exactly? Did you contact our support via live chat or email? It's usually the case that there's a simple explanation and solution to the problem. Please be sure to reach out to us whenever you have any serious issues.

13. tammikuu 2024

O produto não funciona corretamente funcionalidades simples, como o avaliações de o produtos, além disso o suporte não responde as demandas e me parece ser apenas um boot com respostas automaticas. Estou cancelando o aplicativo.

Dragon Elite
8 kuukautta sovelluksen käyttöä
Engage Apps vastasi 19. helmikuu 2024

Obrigado pela sua avaliação. Agora temos a versão 3 do SEO King, que certamente atende às suas preocupações. Embora nosso aplicativo não gerencie avaliações, nossa ferramenta JSON-LD é uma das ferramentas mais avançadas disponíveis. SEO King oferece mais de 30 recursos separados incluídos em um único aplicativo (tudo em um). Sempre que houver algum problema em qualquer uma de nossas ferramentas, nossa equipe de suporte emitirá uma correção alguns dias após ser notificada.

30. elokuu 2018

App created duplicate images for each product image. Had to manually delete over 300 duplicate product images one by one as there isn't better option.
I wish I never installed this and payed for it money. Please skip this app.

5 kuukautta sovelluksen käyttöä
Engage Apps vastasi 30. maaliskuu 2019

Hi very sorry to hear this!.. This issue could have been resolved more quickly by contacting customer support using live chat. We always respond within 12-24 hours (often within minutes or a couple hours).