Recensioni (138)

Valutazione complessiva
Numero di recensioni per livello
  • Il 74% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 15% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 3% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 1% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 7% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
7 ottobre 2017

Great App saved me lots of hours updating alt image tags. Thank you so much!

Super Vapez
Stati Uniti
Oltre 5 anni di utilizzo dell’app
17 ottobre 2017

awesome apps, we feel very helpful with this apps

Jaggad Thailand
Circa 4 anni di utilizzo dell’app
2 ottobre 2018

The functionality is good but the interface is a little hard to use. I have had this sat in the background over a year and it just does its thing silently.

Katys Boutique
Stati Uniti
Circa 4 anni di utilizzo dell’app
16 novembre 2017

This app is easy to use and save the time to compress the images one by one.

Circa 4 anni di utilizzo dell’app
9 agosto 2017

This app has saved me a lot of time and stress. When I discovered that Shopify only posts square photos I already had all my products photographed in landscape style. This app quickly and easily added a black or white bar to the top and bottom of my photos. They look great!

Dezigna Purses
Oltre 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
17 giugno 2017

Simple to use. Saves hours of work

Stati Uniti
Oltre 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Data modifica: 11 gennaio 2018

It took a while but everything seems to be working thus i changed my rating to 4 *

Boutique Citrouille
Circa 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
25 agosto 2017


Stati Uniti
Quasi 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Data modifica: 6 novembre 2017

Very glad that uses this beautiful and great plugin !
I reduced and made square all images on my store with over 10 thousands images !
I'm really satisfied!

Thank you so much for great app !!!

Stati Uniti
Quasi 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
11 aprile 2024

BEWARE! Their payment information makes it look like you pay for what you use, but if you don't uninstall the app they will keep charging you that every month (in my case for years). Even after other negtive reviews here they haven't changed their payment information to reflect how it actually works.

Nuova Zelanda
Oltre 2 anni di utilizzo dell’app