

A partire da $89/mese. Prova gratuita disponibile.
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Informazioni sull’app


13 aprile 2022

#Seodity is a marketing platform with great advantages in analyzing competitors. Every feature is available to explore any website or e-commerce. ##Increase your traffic and sales * Organic Traffic analysis - Develop a marketing and business strategy based on your rivals' tactics. Then, thanks to the fact that Seodity will show you what traffic goes to your opponents, you will be able to make accurate business decisions. * On-site analysis - Find every issue in your store before your...

#Seodity is a marketing platform with great advantages in analyzing competitors. Every feature is available to explore any website or e-commerce. ##Increase your traffic and sales * Organic Traffic analysis - Develop a marketing and business strategy based on your rivals' tactics. Then, thanks to the fact that Seodity will show you what traffic goes to your opponents, you will be able to make accurate business decisions. * On-site analysis - Find every issue in your store before your... altro


Puoi ricevere addebiti esterni da Seodity separatamente rispetto alla fattura Shopify. Maggiori informazioni


$89 /mese

  • Perfect plan for a start.

Prova gratuita di 14 giorni


$149 /mese

  • Great for small and medium e-commerce.

Prova gratuita di 14 giorni


$299 /mese

  • It's an ideal plan for big e-commerce.

Prova gratuita di 14 giorni


$399 /mese

  • It's an ideal plan for SEO agencies.

Prova gratuita di 14 giorni


$89 /mese

  • Perfect plan for a start.

Prova gratuita di 14 giorni


$149 /mese

  • Great for small and medium e-commerce.

Prova gratuita di 14 giorni


$299 /mese

  • It's an ideal plan for big e-commerce.

Prova gratuita di 14 giorni


$399 /mese

  • It's an ideal plan for SEO agencies.

Prova gratuita di 14 giorni

Tutte le spese sono fatturate in USD. Per gli addebiti ricorrenti e le spese basate sull’utilizzo ricevi una fattura ogni 30 giorni. Vedi tutte le opzioni di prezzo

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Informazioni sull’app


13 aprile 2022

Sviluppata da Seodity

Informazioni su Seodity

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Crea app per lo Shopify App Store da 2 anni

Żwirowa 54, Gorzów Wielkopolski, 66-400, PL


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