ショピクラフト‑AI GPTの説明
- 価格設定
無料インストール。 追加料金が適用される場合があります。
- ハイライト
- 管理画面で直接操作
- 評価
- 4.9 (20)
- 開発者
- ShopiCraft
ShopiCraftは、GPT AIの力を活用して、従来にないほど高いコンバージョン率を実現する商品説明文を作成します。当社のAIライターによって、魅力的でSEO最適化された商品説明文を生成し、お客様を魅了し、購入に導きます。高度なGPTアルゴリズムを使用することで、手間を省きながら、効果的な説明文を大量に作成することができます。
- AIによって生成された商品の説明文は、コンバージョン率を向上させるために最適化されています。
- 大量の説明を生成し、GPTのおかげで手作業に費やす時間を数時間節約します。
- 希望するキーワードを追加するオプションがあり、シームレスにSEO最適化された説明文を生成する
- 新しい製品を作成し、同時に説明文を生成する
- 既存の製品説明を強化します。
- ハイライト
- 管理画面で直接操作
英語、 ドイツ語、 フランス語、 ポルトガル語 (ポルトガル)、 ロシア語、 トルコ語、 スペイン語、 オランダ語、 ポルトガル語 (ブラジル)、 イタリア語、 スウェーデン語、 デンマーク語、 フィンランド語、 ノルウェー語 (ブークモール)、 ポーランド語、 チェコ語、 中国語 (簡体字)、 中国語 (繁体字)、 日本語、 韓国語、 タイ語、と アラビア語
無料クレジット 50 個、その後 250 個で $1.49、500 個で $2.49、1K で $4.49、2K で $8.49、または 5K で $15.99
レビュー (20)
ShopiCraft è senza dubbio uno dei migliori strumenti SEO disponibili per i proprietari di negozi online su Shopify. Da quando l'ho integrato nel mio e-commerce, ho visto un netto miglioramento nelle prestazioni complessive del mio sito.
Una delle caratteristiche che mi ha colpito di più è la facilità d'uso.Grazie alle sue funzionalità intuitive e guidate, ho potuto ottimizzare facilmente i titoli, le descrizioni e le parole chiave delle mie pagine prodotto.
Non posso nemmeno sottovalutare l'importanza del supporto clienti tramite whatsapp. Il team di assistenza è sempre stato rapido nel rispondere alle domande e nel fornire soluzioni efficaci ai problemi. Questo tipo di attenzione al cliente è davvero raro da trovare.
Hi there, thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback on how you found our app. We are delighted to hear that you found ShopiCraft useful!
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email support@shopicraft.io!
ShopiCraft Team
Very good app, makes exactly what it says, the enhance description helped me to enhance them better.
Best thing is support, i asked for a feature to developer, and in less than 24 hours he updated the app
so if you find the selection of "modify only seo description without titles"useful, know that's a feature the developer added very fast after a customer asked.
5 stars app and 5 stars developer!
Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We're delighted to hear that our app has been meeting your needs and that the enhanced description feature has been helpful for you. It's fantastic to know that our quick response time for feature requests made a positive impression. Your feedback about the new feature is much appreciated, and we're glad we could implement it quickly for you.
Should you have any further questions, suggestions, or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@shopicraft.io. We're always here to help!
Cette app est assez intéressant quand on a un catalogue un peu large, je trouve tout fois que certaine phrase revienne souvent.
L'équipe a été tres réactif quand j'avais des question ce qui est un tres bon point, réponse dans les 3 minutes qui suive, puis accompagnement.
De manière général ça fait le job
Hi there, thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback on how you found our app. We are delighted to hear that you found ShopiCraft useful!
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email support@shopicraft.io!
ShopiCraft Team
This app is incredible, do all the work with SEO titles and Descriptions in a bulk for a minutes. Also the payment policy is very stretch. There is no monthly billing, If you out of credits you just bought some and that's it. So you pay only when it needed.
Hi there, thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback on how you found our app. We are delighted to hear that you found ShopiCraft useful!
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email support@shopicraft.io!
Amazing app and Costumer support!
Had problems using the app,
Contacted the support helped me in 5 minutes restored my credits
Now it all works perfect thanks!
Thank you for your amazing review! We're glad to hear our support team was able to assist you quickly. If you ever need further assistance, feel free to contact us at support@shopicraft.io.
ショピクラフト‑AI GPTの説明に関するご質問にはShopiCraftがお答えいたします。