レビュー (2,384)
ottimo. intuitivo. veloce . Facile da usare. Ha delle email gia' programmate molto molto belle e d'impatto.
I used this app to help me send emails to my email subscribers. I really helped me out, it was a bit tough to figure out what to do to send the emails out, but the help center assisted with that part.
I like it but it would be better if it have a graphic about abandoned cart.
It would also be amazing if the emails could be modified with more options.
The app went into maintenance mode while I was writing the email and when it came back online the draft was gone, so that was not a good first impression. After it came back online and I started a new mail, it was smooth sailing.
Hey there!
Amy here from Shopify Support. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a review. I'm really sorry to hear of the troubles you faced when you first got started, but glad that you are enjoying the app now!
Im going to send you an email, just to open up communication with you and see if there is anything you would like to share with our developers!
Amy l Shopify
Super easy to work with!
Very easy to use!!!! You don´t need to be an expert in code or similar... just a simple user can do it in seconds! Great job and thanks!
This app is cheap and so are the delivery of my emails. I sent out a email blast for Blackfriday and the app decided to stop after 50% and tells me that it stopped because there where some peoples that did unsubscribed. Also it's reporting feature is extremely cheap only sending info and clicks but no results like add to carts or sales. As I said cheap yes but this does more damage to our brand than help.
Hi, there. Thank you for taking the time to leave this review and provide us with this feedback. We do cancel some campaigns that receive high signals that the subscribers do not like the emails they are receiving. That said, I would recommend reviewing our Best practices for Shopify Email (https://bit.ly/3cNEACe) to ensure you do not run into this issue in the future. Thanks again for your review! -Marty, Shopify Support.
Excellent email system and really easy to use, and cost effective. So ideal to be able to just pick products and then make cvhjanges to text etc - really versatile.
A couple of things could be improved, the system only allows a certain amount of emails each week which can be annoying if you have an urgent one to get to all your contacts, ansd you've already used up the quota. Also would be great if we could see who has actually clicked on the email like the info that Mailchimp give you.
Really bad experience. Basically at some point of time no email started going through. Shopify would send out 5% and stop sending. I wrote to support. They've recommended sending to the "most engaged" latest customers. This did not work. Open rate was next to thing. They've send learning me videos. Nothing worked. The reason turned out to be lack of basic functionality, which would lead to your email list getting slowly poisoned. Shopify does not allow you removing bounced emails or the ones that mark you as spam. At some point of time your email database becomes filled with old emails that cannot get delivered. This leads to lower delivery rates as email systems start to think you are spamming. Then Shopify will see that your open rates are low as you get into spam folders, etc nad Shopify stops sending out emails. The solution has been to install a One Email marketing app. Segment my list into 1k segments. Constantly talk to One support as my sending would get blocked due to high complaint/bouncedback rated ....it took me just a month to clean my emails out. I've tested sending emails after this on Shopify and omg - 30% open rate and it's all delivering. To sum up: poor customer service, 100% lack of knowledge, no solution to the issue - basically "figure it out yourself". What can Shopify do about it? Allow clients to unsubscribe bounced emails and whoever has marked your messages as spam. This will leave email list clean and healthy. Simple.
Hi there. Thank you so much for your review and for providing us with this feedback. We are sorry to hear you have been experiencing these issues, but I am delighted to share that our development teams are currently working on this. Although I cannot share a definitive time frame for this, I would be happy to provide this further feedback to our team to let them know this is still something to look into further.
In the meantime, for some further context, Shopify email automatically removes bounced emails from a subscriber list so we don’t try sending them out again. Also when a subscriber unsubscribes, we also won’t be sending them the email again.
I hope this provides you with some further context to how the app currently functions, thanks again for taking the time to leave this feedback! Marty, Shopify Support
This is the first time I have sent email. I don't know why. The email I sent only has the title and can't see any content. I want to recommend our new products to customers, but they can't see the picture and can't click the button. I don't know how to solve it, and I don't know how to contact your staff.
Hi, there. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this great review and provide us with your feedback. We are sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue and would be happy to help out. I would recommend reaching out to our support team directly, so we can take a closer look into this with you.
You mentioned having some issues reaching out to our support team, so I would be happy to walk you through the steps. You can do this by logging into your store through the Help Center https://bit.ly/2AWw5VA, searching your question/issue, then selecting "continue" at the bottom of the page that displays the search results. Thanks again for your feedback! -Marty, Shopify Support.