Arvostelut (601)
Luokituksen mukaan
Dear Smartrmail, thanks for your positivity and generously merciful technical assistance getting my capaigns' boots on! Looking forward to providing excellent service in the future with your comprehensive email platform seamlessly integrating customer aquistion data capture, promo notifications, and targeted marketing campaigns! Bellissimo!
This app does everything as advertised and the staff is very helpful. We have been working with Jesse on the setup for our business and he is very knowledgeable and also works extremely close with us, even staying in communication over weekends. It feels as if Jesse really cares about the growth of our business and we are excited to continue to work with him and see the results!
SmartrMail automations have transformed our business. The setup was straightforward, thanks to their included Agency Services with the Pro plan. The emails consistently generate additional revenue for our store. A huge thank you to Jesse Correy for not only setting up the automations but also fixing our store logos. Your exceptional service and expertise have been truly appreciated.
Very good app that easily opens a new sales channel
This is a superb app for email marketing, the support is great and not rushed, I am not an it exert so appreciate this . the templates they created where superb as well.
Es la mejor aplicación de email marketing que hemos usado. Es realmente fácil de usar. Cuando la instalas por primera vez, escanea tu página web y propone plantillas según los colores de tu tienda. Adicionalmente, aunque no está disponible en español, es posible personalizar casi todos los copies para adecuarlos al idioma que necesitas. Se integra perfectamente con Shopify. Lo mejor es que el ...
So happy I discovered this app! It's way easier and more straightforward than any other email marketing app I've used. Great customer service too! Highly recommend!
I’d like to first start off by saying that I have been using this app for 10 years as of this month. This is a fantastic app and one of the best regarding email marketing on Shopify.
This review is specifically geared toward the employee who has gone above and beyond to ensure I’m taken care of. It isn’t every day that you have a 10-year customer of your app or service, but after 10 years of ...
Good morning K8 Stinger team! 👋 Thank you so much for this thorough review of our service. It means a lot when a long-time user such as you sends us such feedback. Our number ...
This app pays for its every month its like a free app with profits it shows conversion rates and also gives automatic email marketing of my new products to customers I love it saves me time and makes me money two thumbs up - Praise the lord!!
Easier and smoother integration than mailchimp, switched over without any issues. Slightly cheaper too.