Galerij met uitgelichte afbeeldingen
Eenvoudig producten uit China sourcen. Efficiënte dropshipping orderafhandeling helpt uw verkoop te verhogen.
Wij kunnen u helpen de producten die u wilt rechtstreeks van fabrikanten in China te sourcen tegen betere prijzen. Met SourcinBox kunt u eenvoudig producten en afbeeldingen naar uw winkel importeren. Bestellingen uit uw winkel worden gesynchroniseerd met SourcinBox, waar u ze in bulk kunt beheren en bestellen. Wij zullen de producten voor uw bestellingen aanschaffen en de kwaliteit controleren, vervolgens de bestellingen verpakken en rechtstreeks naar uw eindklanten verzenden met snelle verzendmethoden, zodat u zich kunt concentreren op andere aspecten van uw dropshippingbedrijf.
- Geniet van 1-op-1 klantenservice om u te helpen met alle zaken.
- Stuur sourcingverzoeken en ontvang gratis offertes voor alle legale dropshippingproducten.
- Krijg lage prijzen en snelle verzendmethoden om dropshippingbestellingen af te handelen.
- Ontvang ordertrackingnummers die worden gesynchroniseerd met uw winkel en naar uw klanten worden gestuurd.
- Pas producten en verpakkingen aan voor uw merken en private labels.
Bevat automatisch vertaalde tekst
Deze app is niet vertaald in het Nederlands
Werkt met
Paypal, AliexpressCategorieën
Producten die je kunt verkopen
Gratis te installeren
Geen gebruikskosten. Handelaren betalen product- of servicekosten en verzendkosten voor de bestellingen.
Bevat automatisch vertaalde tekst
Alle betalingen worden in USD gefactureerd.
Recensies (73)
I would never switch!
My Sourcin agent does a really good job. We've been working together for almost a year now and Twinkle has been a real help from day one. He always replies very quickly and is really helpful, he not only takes care of the fulfillment, he negotiates the prices for the products and the shipping options continuously and proactively. He makes helpful product suggestions that fit my collection and have good sales figures. It couldn't be better. I am more than satisfied with his performance and communication.
Of course, SourcinBox is a bit more expensive than you could source the products elsewhere - but the service is worth every cent and runs smoothly. After I have triggered the fulfillment order, everything happens on autopilot and with very good shipping times. I would never switch.
I have been working with Sib and the Manager Robbie for years now. I can recommend their service, specially when it comes to higher scale Months.
The SourcinBox app is understandable and easy to use.
Communication with the personal agents assigned to you is respectful and any special concerns are addressed quickly.
I can definitely recommend SourcinBox.
I wanted to leave this review to say that Sourcein Box is a very useful addition for anyone trying to source products. They offer solutions that most sourcing apps don't and also offer the possibility of customization for your brand. In addition, I would like to add that my Account Manager Ashley is very professional and always finds a solution for any problem I bring, the response time is very good as you have the possibility of having the manager's WhatsApp number which is great for convenience. I can say that until now Ashley has been the best account manager I have received to this day. Big thanks to her and the SourceINBox Team, would definitely recommend.
I'm really happy with customer Agent, he always works fast and can help me with every issue I have. I really can recommend Sourcinbox!
Pandaria kan al je vragen beantwoorden over SourcinBox‑Dropshipping Agent.
29 maart 2021