Subify Subscription|Membership , 349件のレビュー

  • 評価の94%は5つ星です
  • 評価の5%は4つ星です
  • 評価の0%は3つ星です
  • 評価の1%は2つ星です
  • 評価の1%は1つ星です

If you are switching over from Subbly, or need help with migrating your customers, please don't waste your time on this app. I am so sorry, the service is run by bots & its actually really sad that this is my first bad review I have ever left. I hope it helps another business owner make a better choice... go with another app.

Happy Child Box
Subifyが返信しました 2024年3月3日

We sincerely appreciate you bringing this to our attention and would welcome the opportunity to discuss this further with you to understand how we can improve the factors that have caused your not so positive experience. Our goal is to support business owners like yourself effectively, and we're committed to making the necessary changes to do so.
So thanks again for actually taking the time to share this!


There was no live chat or customer service available this weekend. It's not as simple as the video said. Unable to select products and create subscription box

Lace it up Fashion