レビュー (292)

  • 評価の51%は5つ星です
  • 評価の8%は4つ星です
  • 評価の3%は3つ星です
  • 評価の6%は2つ星です
  • 評価の33%は1つ星です

This app is a poison chalice... use it at your peril. In theory it is a great idea but it is poorly executed. When you update the theme you will also have to update your templates if you have made any customizations at all, quite a timely and complicated process so you will probably have to pay an expert to do it for you. However, you will not see if the update is any good until after you have paid the expert. We updated and were not able to use the update because of the number of bugs making our site look poor and unprofessional. You then have to wait for the next theme update to be released and then go through the same process of updating your templates and paying an expert all over again. The chances of there being any more bugs are high, if you look at the Out-of-the-Sandbox change logs they are littered with "bug fixes" for previous updates. It would appear that they are releasing the updates without doing the appropriate checks to make sure that they are robust.

Elvis & Kresse

This just goes to show you how well Out of the Sandbox supports their code and their customers.

Distortion Brothers Guitar Shop

ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE service. This company updates their theme every two weeks but every time you update your theme, it messes up all your custom coding. They don't have a phone number to contact, only by email, which is fine - if they actually respond and help with your concerns.


EDIT 1/16 After leaving this review, their team explained my problem more accurately and they offered a better and more practical solution which I appreciate. Terrible app, terrible customer experience. I updated my theme and the result was awful: translations missing, errors, the product images, prices and description don’t show correctly and they don't adapt correctly to the screen either. I tried contacting support and they told me that's normal so I have to fix them? How am I supposed to fix them when its not a design problem but a deeper code problem? Also they are charging me even though the app didn't do what it promised and after cancelling the first day.

Out of the Sandboxが返信しました 2022年1月7日

Hi TITAN X team!

Thank you for your feedback! When updating your theme to OS 2.0, all content, such as home page content, will need to be rebuilt.

This is a one-time process required by Shopify to align with new templating standards. You will still be able to use the Theme Updater to help streamline your updates with future releases.

A member of our support team will reach out via email shortly!


Sorry but it's rubbish. It just doest even try to update the theme. Just installs a clean new copy of the updated version.

There is always an error or something that stops it working - but then nothing works at all. Been trying on and off for months.

In response to developer response - It transfers nothing over, not even the colour scheme. I understand the limitations of custom code of course - but it makes zero effort to even try and work with unaltered templates.

Cavalor Direct
Out of the Sandboxが返信しました 2023年8月22日

Hi Cavalor Direct team!

Unfortunately, Theme Updater Plus is not always able to be transfer over heavily customized theme files. Luckily, Theme Updater Plus is able to identify the code that will need to be manually transferred to the updated theme version.

Our support team was able to help explain why this was occurring for your Impulse theme, because of a liquid templating markup, and provided suggestions to help with future updates.

All the best,
Out of the Sandbox


Makes it easy to keep your store updated with the latest from Out of the Sandbox!

Elmwood Electronics

Worked perfectly for me on my Turbo theme update. Great app. What a time saver! This app is one of the reasons I went with Out of the Sandbox for my theme.


This app works perfectly! Carries over customizations perfectly. We have updated twice since installing and have had no problems at all.

Science Shepherd

Simple app that installed easily and seems to work as described. I have not been able to update my them Turbo theme yet, but am certain the this app will save many hours of work.


Yourturnkeystore 243

Awful experience. I bought their superstore theme and it is full of bugs. When I updated the pagination to infinite scroll, the filters, menu and other buttons stopped working. Awful theme which has clearly not been tested. Support is extremely slow and unhelpful - I am being ping ponged back and forth without a solution. All in all, awful experience with the fundamental elements of the store not working and being full of bugs.

Peaches and Screams
Out of the Sandboxが返信しました 2020年1月8日

Hello Peaches and Screams,
We appreciate the input on your experience with Out of the Sandbox, the Flex theme and the Theme Updater App - we're sorry limiting of free access to the Theme Updater App to the first year of use has created this experience!

To keep the details of the various products separate, the Flex theme ($450USD) while rich in settings and features, can be updated through the normal updating method, which is the same process as initially installing and configuring the theme - we stand by the notion that this can be accomplished by any Shopify user, and we continue to make the robust feature-set easier and easier to configure (with pre-built demos included with the theme .zips).

While a normal update on Shopify does generally involve reconfiguring settings, it is the method available to all Shopify themes - we haven't made this process intentionally difficult, but seek ways to make the process easier and faster.

The Theme Updater App is a tool for making parts of the Shopify updating process automatic - in particular, obtaining the new version of the theme, carrying over past setting configurations, and detecting code customizations are conducted automatically. With the changes to the pricing plans, this tool is available for free for the first year of usage (based on the theme's registration date through the app) - following the free year, a number of flexible subscriptions options are available for users who value the time-savings the app offers. Rest assured, at no point in the use of any Out of the Sandbox theme (including Flex) is the Theme Updater App required! Updated theme files continue to be available for free and using the Theme Updater App to update the theme is optional.

To note, if you're a user of the Flex theme, which was released in Aug 2019, the free trial of the Basic Plan of the app should be available to you, based on the registration date of your Flex theme which would still be within its first year. If you're looking for any assistance with accessing the free trial feel free to contact the Out of the Sandbox Help Center - help@outofthesandbox.com

The Out of the Sandbox Team