Arvostelut (28 963)
Luokituksen mukaan
Una società Schifosa. apro un account carico 30 euro e bannano l'account senza darmi spiegazioni. contatto il centro risoluzioni e mi dicono che hanno sospeso l'account per attività sospetta. chiedono i documenti che prontamente gli fornisco. e ripetono la solita solfa..attività sospetta account bannato e 30 euro RUBATI. e se fossero stati 5000? lo ripeto spero falliscano e vengano bannati sia in europa che in america. solo scammers
fiz uma campanha que não foi exposta e foi-me cobrada. acho que o não haver alguem oara se falar do tik a perguntar o que se passa, é muito mau.
Would love to start advertising and selling on TikTok if the set up actually worked. Can't find any support online and all the 'academy' articles don't seem to make sense for the options available. Been down a spiralling rabbit whole of youtube 'how too'. Seems overly complicated just connect a product feed from shopify.
They gonna took your money from your bank account without any reason
Hello developers, I have a question, I have been opening tickets to shopify and tiktok for more than two months, then one tells me that it is the other's fault and the other tells me exactly the same thing, conclusion, they have me from one place to another, going around in circle. I install the app and I am not logged in and it says that I am not eligible for Tiktok shopping, it tells me that I do not meet the requirements and I know that I do. I do not know how to activate the tiktok shopping function, can you help me please, I feel that it is discriminatory that they do not give a clear answer as to why I am eligible or not
No matter what I do, the app will not connect to my TikTok account. Requested help from Support, no response.
the worst app... i spent 250 in 2 days with zero sales....
its a vary great app. tiktok to be a fun and entertaining app where one can discover a wide range, of videos ,including dance.challenges,comedic skits,lip-syncing fashion tips
We've been trying to get this app to work for more than a week. So far no problems setting up a instagram shop so what gives tiktok?
why my account is frozen ?? please re-open my account !
why my account is frozen ?? please re-open my account !
why my account is frozen ?? please re-open my account !