评论 (1,167)

  • 71% 的评分是 5 星
  • 20% 的评分是 4 星
  • 4% 的评分是 3 星
  • 2% 的评分是 2 星
  • 3% 的评分是 1 星

Absolutely terrible.
There is no more search option when editing the translations.
Shopify as a whole gets worse and worse, apps too!!!!

My Store
28天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2023年9月25日

Sorry to hear you are having challenges. We have reached out for more information.


Easy enough to use, but Google Search Console is constantly calling out 404 not found errors for multiple localized pages. Reran auto-translate multiple times. Keeps coming back with random missing localized pages. Not a reliable product.

AI Art Delta
24天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2023年7月20日

Hi, thanks for the review. Something doesn't sound right here - please get in touch at localization-product-team@shopify.com and we'll look into it. Thanks


I had many questions for the team & they totally delivered to answer all of my questions, always with kind, caring service. Everything works well. I have run into some minor bugs but all I had to do was export and import back the translation and it was easy to do. The only thing I would say would improve the app is adding tag + URL translations, but the developer has assured me that they are working on it. This app would definitely be a 5-star app with that feature, but it's a very good app nonetheless and I do recommend it with usage of a third-party app. :)

Boutique Beauties Lab
9天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2022年9月27日

Thanks so much for taking the time to try out the app and give feedback!

The Translate & Adapt team


Translations are inconsistent both in wording and formatting, and are often inaccurate. Each translation requires manual review and revision which is very time consuming. Disappointed in the unreliability of the translation process and decided to remove the app.

Aaron Joseph Workshop
22天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2023年7月14日

Hi, thanks for trying the app - we've sent an email.


Great App, would be great to export or import text, or another options to transfer translations when doing a theme update.

8天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2023年3月6日

Thanks for the review. Imports / exports of translations can be done in Settings > Languages.


Estoy usando usando esta aplicación para traducir al inglés mi ecommerce. Aunque hay que revisar y pulir la traduccion de google, una vez hecho es la única posibilidad de tenerla en inglés sin pagar cuotas a apps externas. muy fácil de revisar con las 2 pantallas paralelas español-inglés

8天 人在使用应用

I think this is really good function wise. It does the translations super quick and its easy to read your original text to the translated text as well as to fix it. However, translations always seem to work better in google going from another language to English and not the other way around. I am translating to Swedish and my husband ( who is swedish) still has to rewrite almost everything to really localize it so it really sounds correct. I would really prefer an app that has that local touch. When amazon opened in sweden they did an AI translate for swedish and it landed in the news bc it they translated a necklace or something into the word for a male private part or something rediculous like that. I mean no one needs that to happen for their small business. So overall, its a good app with a good base but if you wanna be local you gotta go to local to get it right.

20天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2023年2月28日

Thanks for the review and taking the time to work with the app. Translations themselves come from a Google Translate integration which means we don't control the text, but aim to give the opportunity to amend what comes back. I can relate - my store sells 'sloth necklaces' which translate as 'lazy necklaces'! As Google Translate continues to improve over time, the quality of auto-translations will continue to get better. Whilst it's taken longer than you'd hoped, the way you've done it - auto-translating and correcting, is a great way to go about things.


Buggy! Now I am on a state it says it is translating and never finishes the job. Regardless if I clean the cache, change the browers, or even uninstall and install the app again does not work. Very bad design and the problem is probably on the back end.

Le LanVin
20天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2022年10月14日

Thank you very much for this review. There was a technical problem that prevented your translations from finishing. This problem has been resolved, so we'd love to invite you back to try the app again :)


Very convenient, saves oodles of time. It would be great if the app made bulk editing a bit easier and if the AI was a little more context-dependent.

Jack of Dice
7天 人在使用应用

Aggiornamento 20 ottobre: 1 - il support ha sbloccato la traduzione e ora va tutto molto bene e fluido. Le traduzioni sono quasi perfette e il risultato è molto soddisfacente.
2 - magicamente, dopo lo sblocco, siamo stati in gradi di tradurre dall'italiano in.. altre due lingue! Dunque è tutto tornato regolare. Ora non vediamo l'ora di scoprire cosa costerà tradurre in altre lingue oltre le prime due.. gratuite. :-) ------------------------------------------- Ottobre 18
Molto deludente: 1 - Traduzione in INGLESE bloccata al primo tentativo, per un sito con 9 prodotti e 15 pagine. Supporto di Shopify... non in grado di risolvere il problema: parlato con 3/4 differenti Agenti del supporto. 2 - lo strumento permette di tradurre automaticamente SOLO in due lingue oltre quella originale del sito... a meno che siete in SVIZZERA! Perché considera la lingua locale ITALIANO (per esempio) una lingua DIVERSA dalla lingua ITALIANA dell'Italia. Dunque.. si può tradurre in automatico SOLO in un'altra lingua!

7天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2022年10月19日

Hi there, thanks for trying the app and feeding back. Some answers:
1) Just checked your translations and there was a technical issue for your English which has now been resolved. Apologies that support was not able to do this for you. It was an exception.
2) Please let us know how you would like your languages setup and we'll make it possible for you. Currently you have Italian as default, English added, and we have a record of French - but the French isn't showing on your store. Perhaps it was added and removed?

Please drop us a note direct to localization-product-team@shopify.com and we'll fix all for you.