Arvostelut (2 491)
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A rendu l'action ajout au panier impossible lorsque la langue traduite était sélectionnée... Super de payer de la publicité et de ne pas pouvoir vendre à cause d'une app
For free, thanks you very much, that is really great :) Kostenlos, was will man mehr, vielen Dank dafür.
NL BG EN super
So far so good! I like the fact that there is unlimited free manual translation. I stopped using another app when my manual translation ran out. I can't afford every single paid app there Is out there!
Genau das habe ich gesucht vielen Dank jetzt ist alles Automatisiert.
Amazing!!! So easy to use, the only complaint I would have is that the free version only has 21000 available words to be translated by AI, but it is totally worth the price if you need more than that, and of course they have manual way of doing it too.