Arvostelut (2 657)
Luokituksen mukaan
Översätter inte allt direkt utan måste göra vissa manuella åtgärder, dock är supporten snabb och ger bra hjälp och bemötande
We've been using this for a several weeks now and have found it to be a bit complicated to use. We have had trouble understanding what to do.
App is working pretty good, works well with the Taiga theme. But the translate AI is horrible, 50% of lines is wrong and it randomly doesn't translate bits of text at all. It also translates identical lines totally different and is not consistent at all. You can't trust it to translate languages you don't know. They charge you alot for it, which in my eyes is not appropriate with the quality delivered.
Its cool
i used this app to help with translation. i just got it up so i have to see how it will help my store i will come back once it view this
UPDATE: Five minutes after posting my previous 1 star review, I was contacted by Hextom. They have now fixed whatever problem was preventing our site from being fully translated. However my initial contact with them was January 29th - nearly 1 month ago. During that time I have emailed repeatedly and received no response. My emails to the support desk and individually to several people within the company were "never received" apparently. Draw your own conclusions. Now that the app is doing what it is supposed to, I have uprated to 3 stars. I will be watching this like a hawk from now on as I absolutely do not trust this company to deliver what they promise.
I' testing this app and hope will fulfill my expectations. I'd really give five stars if enables customers to see the web page in their own native language with a proper translation.
good lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
ja goed
Não usei ainda, então só 3