レビュー (2,596)
Depois de enviar dúvidas bem detalhadas, inclusive com imagens e receber respostas evasivas, sem clareza para nos ajudar, estou desinstalando e reinstalando pela última vez. Outra coisa. O suporte é muito demorado na resposta!!!!
Nice App, thank you!
I just have to say, this app is a huge time saver! It has made my life so much easier and I can't imagine going back to the way I used to do things. Thank you to whoever created this amazing tool!
It's very helpful. I like this app. It helps me win international customers. Definitely recommend. Most of all, it's free
useful and useful application, translation quality and application quality is very high, perfect solution for the seller and the customer
Great service and good working. Great experience
GOOD 非常好
Very beautiful, this is the app I'm searching, it's free and very simple to use. I make 60K€ in Spain using this app