Recensioni (119)

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  • Il 15% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
  • Il 4% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
  • Il 3% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 6% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 72% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
Data modifica: 16 gennaio 2023

UPDATE - They've got even worse! Customer service is nonexistent. Failed sending review invites. Account managers are useless. Only interested in forcing you to buy package upgrades. If you don't they just ignore all contact.

Having used Trustpilot for the past 15 months and gathered over 1600 reviews, the review platform is fine but pretty basic for the price - all the value is in the Trustpilot brand which in our experience doesn't matter as much to our customers as Trustpilot claim that it does. The Shopify integration doesn't include the features that trust pilot account managers and sales staff use to attempt to justify the ridiculous price tag.
eg their split testing (optimizer) feature won't work with the Shopify integration. This makes it really hard to quickly prove if this expensive review service is actually making a difference. Support is painfully slow and account managers just ignore you if you ask them difficult questions. Once they had our money they didn't contact us again until they wanted more money. Stick with the free version, or a lower-cost review platform if your customers just want reviews

Meg Rivers Artisan Bakery
Regno Unito
Circa 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Trustpilot ha risposto 26 agosto 2021

Thank you for taking the time to write this review. We're sorry you've had a bad experience and will apply your feedback to give you a better one. We will pass this along to your Account Manager.

15 marzo 2023

For the amount of money we pay for this service, you would think that their service level for support tickets would be better. The review flagging doesn't even work and even though we have an 'account mgr' they have proven themselves to be just as useless. Note, all I need to do is request the removal of a review that was clearly left for an entirely different company.

Stati Uniti
Circa 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Data modifica: 25 dicembre 2021

Forvirrende og ikke til at arbejde med... Det er især bøvlet med flere domæner osv... Så er det også yderst begrænset med servicen og lysten til at hjælpe med reelle problemer... Servicen er der kun hvis man bruger en af deres færdige manueller/løsninger

Baresundhed ApS
Quasi 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Trustpilot ha risposto 30 dicembre 2021

Hi Brareundhed ApS, thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We appreciate feedback in all it's forms - we truly believe it can drive real change, it's the principal we built Trustpilot on in fact! Your note regarding the challenges faced when working with multiple domains is something we will feedback to our product team for inclusion in future product development.

Trustpilot Team

2 novembre 2022

Very slow and non-existent support! Claimed they can't access our website to look at the issue, like every other App developer on Shopify, due to their policy. We had to pay a 3rd party developer to fix their App!

JM Wholesale Ltd
Regno Unito
Quasi 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Trustpilot ha risposto 4 novembre 2022

Hi JM Wholesale Ltd,

Thanks for getting in touch and sharing your experience with us. We're sorry to hear it's not been a positive one.

I can see you've recently reached out to our Support Team for assistance however they've yet to get back you. We send our apologises for the delay in the response. Our Team are helping more customers than usual at the moment and taking a little longer than we would like to respond.

I can confirm that I've escalated your case and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.

Our Support Team are here to help you utilize our service to its full potential, whether that's providing guidance on how to use our platform or help troubleshooting. We'll try to help you the best that we can. However it's not possible for us to access your Shopify store. We can simply guide you to the right place.

Someone will be in touch soon.

Kind regards,

4 novembre 2022

Got rid of the good trust boxes so they try to make you subscribe to the monthly bill which is extortionate

Galaxy Sabers Ltd
Regno Unito
Quasi 3 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Trustpilot ha risposto 10 novembre 2022

Hi Galaxy Sabers Ltd,

Thank you for reaching out to us with this review.

Collaboration and dialogue is most important to us and we really appreciate you taking the time to share this experience with us. We really value that you as a company use Trustpilot and really appreciate you give us this feedback. We will ensure that this feedback regarding the TrustBoxes is shared with the relevant teams to ensure quality and service can be developed further.

When we make changes, we always communicate this to you. Our goal is to be completely transparent in our communications about product changes, so that companies can adapt and optimize their strategies accordingly. You can still show on your website that you have reviews on Trustpilot by using one of these free TrustBoxes:

• Micro Review Count: which displays the number of reviews that you have received on Trustpilot.
• Review Collector: which encourages customers to leave organic reviews on Trustpilot.

Should you wish to discuss the different possibilities or need any assistance, do not hesitate to contact us accordingly here:

Have a nice day.

Kind regards,

Sacha - Trustpilot

Data modifica: 29 ottobre 2021

Terrible app - widget integrations don't work. I am paying nearly £200 a month for their service and I deeply regret it, their services do not reflect those within the agreement and I will be renouncing the contract void if this is not fixed. I 'product multi-source' widget won't even show up on my product page - trustboxes don't even appear when you drag and drop. Footer widgets only show on the landing page - if you add one on another page then it will publish and show two widgets on the landing page above another. I am more than technically literate with computers - I imagine how difficult it is for an ordinary person.

Regno Unito
Oltre 2 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Trustpilot ha risposto 4 novembre 2021


Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. It looks like our widgets are disrupting your website performance. To help place the TrustBox widget on your page, you must know the total weight of your webpage. The average web page weighs around 1.6 MB and some eCommerce sites weigh 5MB or more. The TrustBox adds on an average of 50kB which depends on the type of widget you select and how much data it displays. To put it in perspective, on a very small page, a TrustBox will take over about 6% of the page’s total size.

Here’s a step-by-step video guide to help showcase your reviews with widgets on your webpage:

If you have any additional questions, we recommend you reach out to our support team.

Thank you,
Trustpilot Team

Data modifica: 23 marzo 2022

The important thing you need to remember about TurdPilot before having anything to do with them is that they claim to own every review you receive through their platform. You cannot use or make meaningful reference to any of the review you receive unless TurdPilot say it's allowed, which will only happen if you are paying their subscription fee.
This is fine if you are happy to keep paying their subscription fee every month forever without question. But from over 2 years customer experience I found they regularly hike up the fees by an extortionate amount (nearly a 75% increase in my case) which presents a dilemma. Do you keep paying the stupidly high fees just so you can keep referencing your reviews on site? Or do you cancel your subscription and lose free access to all that hard work?
If, like me, you choose not to pay the stupidly high fees, you can look forward to a series of threatening emails from various TurdPilot minions warning you not to make any reference to your (sorry, I mean their) reviews. The whole TurdPilot set up is little more than a scam. How a company can claim to own reviews that have been left for YOUR hard work and good service by YOUR customers is beyond me!
On top of this, the widgets they provide to show off your reviews (sorry, i mean their reviews) on your site are clunky, ugly and badly scripted. They take an age to load up and will slow down your site. Once I had cancelled my subscription and removed their widgets my site speed drastically improved along with my SEO ranking!
In summary, having been a paying customer of TurdPilot for over 2 years, I'd advise not to get suckered into using their platform unless you have very deep pockets since you may be trapped paying their fees regardless of how much they choose to charge you.
P.S. Look at all the other 1 star reviews their getting too - AVOID!!!!!

Seashore Jewellery
Regno Unito
Oltre 2 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Trustpilot ha risposto 25 gennaio 2022

Hi Seashore Jewellery,

Thanks for taking the time to share this with us and other users.

If you or one of your customers in this case, write a review and it doesn't appear online, the chances are that our software has detected a guideline breach and taken it offline.

This automated system removes reviews if they do not meet our reviewing guidelines, this can sometimes be because of aggressive language, the sharing of personal information, multiple reviews posted by the same user to a business or a user's IP address being registered to multiple accounts. If a business flags a review for removal we have the same guidelines and give businesses other options to dispute reviews such as - not a genuine experience and defamatory claims.

Understandably the removal of reviews can cause frustration, however we notify users via email when this has happened and we ask them to provide proof within 3 days of a review being flagged and/or removed. Providing this proof is something that your customers are responsible for.

You as a business also have the opportunity to appeal these removals with our Content Integrity team.

No business can pay to have reviews removed - be they negative or positive.

Trustpilot Team

24 dicembre 2021

Useless app. Never worked propertly. I was using it for 2 years, and it doesnt worth the money!
No customer support, they are worst, you need to wait for days before can have any useless ansver!
The integration doestn work, the widgets are continously not showinv. One glitch after another glitch! Very bed experience!

Trusted Caskets
Stati Uniti
Oltre 2 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Trustpilot ha risposto 30 dicembre 2021

Hi Trusted Caskets, thanks for taking the time to share your user experience with us. We really value feedback in all it's forms - good or bad. We're disappointed to hear that you have been with Trustpilot for two years and finding it not worth the spend - we encourage you to reach out to the Customer Success Manager and share with them the issues you are facing.

Our Support team can be reached via live chat on our website, if you are finding it challenging to speak to someone we would recommend reaching out on the live chat function.

When speaking to Support please do share examples of the widget issues you are facing.

Trustpilot Team

26 agosto 2022

Updated the app and lost all my product reviews. Cannot get any support, this is costing me sales by the hour. The app developer is the issue as Trust Pilot has all my reviews but the app won't display them! Do not update the app!!!

Nereus London
Regno Unito
Oltre 2 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Trustpilot ha risposto 26 agosto 2022

Hello Nereus

Thank you for getting in touch and letting us know about the issues you're facing. We know how important this is to you, and we want to assure you that getting this fixed is our priority too.

Our support team have now confirmed that the issue is fully resolved and your product reviews are being displayed correctly.

We want to thank you for your patience while we were getting this fixed. If there is anything that we can do to help in future, please get in contact with our team through our chat facility.

Kind Regards
Jen - Trustpilot

5 agosto 2022

Trustpilot reviews are valuable for my business, but don't get sucked in, unless you're willing to pay $200+ per month (paid 12 months upfront) just to be able to have YOUR reviews from YOUR customers showing on YOUR website. Trustpilot is a trusted source of reviews and they've helped my business, but they've shut down third party apps from showing YOUR customer reviews on YOUR site. It's easy to collect reviews with Trustpilot but I'd recommend Google reviews so you can show them on your site as you need. For a business that generates social proof, they really should deal better with their customers.

Throne Boss Australia
Quasi 2 anni di utilizzo dell’app
Trustpilot ha risposto 8 agosto 2022

Hi Throne Boss Australia,

Thank you for taking the time to review us.

We're glad to hear that your business is getting the recognition that it deserves through Trustpilot.

Trustpilot is a free to use platform. Anyone can use Trustpilot for free, as a business or consumers. While we do offer paid packages for businesses to have access to some of our tools, like analytic functions, Trustpilot is also free to use for all businesses with all its main functions.

Businesses also have access to our free functions to invite and display Trustpilot score on their website. For more information about the free plan you can find out in the link below:

As long as you have a Trustpilot Business account you can showcase customer reviews through our pre approved widgets. You can find these in your business account by logging in at

It's true that it's against our guidelines to display Trustpilot reviews on your website through outside widgets (including "homemade" or third-party). This policy is in place to ensure that businesses don't "cherry-pick" only the best reviews or mis-represent their star rating. This allows us to protect the integrity of Trustpilot stars so that consumers can trust they're always seeing an accurate representation of a business when they see Trustpilot reviews.

You can read more about our guidelines here:

We hope to see your business continuously grow through the power of reviews.

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us here:

Kind regards,