レビュー (10,314)
I am using this app to help increase sales. The setup is really easy and I believe that I will be using it for a long time. There are always growth opportunities while using this app.
great app loved it needs more colors and stickers
I enjoyed the app because it makes my store look great
good boost for my store looks professional very nice
Great app. Needs to be cheaper though. The higher upgrade plans cost a little too pricy for such a small feature.
Ive heard some great things about this app, im trying it out to see if it works.
I am using the free verion.
very interesting feature that truly help
keep up the good work
App was working wonderful on the shop. It was very positive to increase sale amounts and attract customers effectively.
タグを使って、フラグとページ内の情報を変更できるため、頻繁に活用しています。 別アプリで自動でセールしてタグをつけるものを利用しており、それとの合わせ技で利用しています。 便利でHTMLの記入など応用性も高いですが、月額料金は高すぎるなと思っています。
Everything perfect, except Trust Badge Logos are not all the latest or are missing.
Example: Klarna logo outdated, AMEX Logo outdated, Shop Pay not existing, G Pay not existing, Maestro not existing
Can you fix this?
I used this app to help me verify that the customers can trust our company. Using the badges and the cart boosts add some action and content to the page and reassure customers at every stage of the sale
Works pretty good. Just started using it, so can't be definitely sure yet, but definitely recommend at least trying it out. I'll have a follow up review.