Arvostelut (1 075)
Luokituksen mukaan
I have never bought any kind of subscription plan and now they charge me $20 for nothing because im using the free plan. Why?
We have contacted the team for a resolution but no response from them. There tracking link and order detail link is not working at all.
Superlemon is creating 20% discounts on my store by itself. HELP !
I have explored all the settings and cannot understand why it is doing this. I need to stop this ASAP !
Help Please.
We contact often the support about the higher price what we don´t understand. And we explain that we only would like to use the whatsapp contact function. The price for the App goes higher an higher for no sellings on our website. Only less contact about whatsapp. ( less than 50 masseges) We deactivate many options but the price is the same. On our messages and we get no response at our ticket ...
Nunca me habían cobrado nada, y de un par de meses para acá, me empiezan a cobrar.
Una vez logré contactar con ellos y me dijeron que era por algo que tenía las automatizaciones activadas.
Desactivé todo y me volvieron a cobrar, ahora ya en soporte no responden, así que estoy buscando otra app.
I have never bought any kind of subscription plan still they charge me 15$ for nothing.Why?
Hola, no entiendo que me cobráis por "soporte" y no he recibido ninguna respuesta por vuestra parte, decepcionante...
This is was a bug app. There's one pop-up blinking whenever the user tries to place an order. This was a mess. This app ruining my business
Worse customer support.