Zapier: Workflow Automation

Zapier: Workflow Automation

Gratis abonnement beschikbaar. Gratis proefperiode beschikbaar.
Populair bij bedrijven in de Verenigde Staten
3,6 (145)
Zapier Inc

Zapier unlocks the power of automation for businesses of all sizes.

Zapier empowers you to automate your work across 7,000+ apps, like Google Sheets, Facebook Offline Conversions, and Slack. In just a few minutes, you can create Zaps that connect Shopify with the other apps you rely on. Track new orders in your favorite spreadsheet tool, add new customers to your ads platform, and much more—helping you solve problems faster and make a visible impact at work.

Zapier empowers you to automate your work across 7,000+ apps, like Google Sheets, Facebook Offline Conversions, and Slack. In just a few minutes, you can create Zaps that connect Shopify with the other apps you rely on. Track new orders in your favorite spreadsheet tool, add new customers to your ads platform, and much more—helping you solve problems faster and make a visible impact at work. meer
  • Create Zaps from scratch or use existing templates to get started quickly.
  • Build multi-step Zaps that automate several tasks at once—no code needed.
  • Create Zaps that perform different actions based on if/then logic through paths.
  • Use filters so Zaps run only when certain conditions are met.
  • Schedule your Zaps to run whenever it's right for you.

Bevat onvertaalde tekst

Vertaling weergeven
Populair bij bedrijven in de Verenigde Staten



Deze app is niet vertaald in het Nederlands

Werkt met

  • Google Sheets
  • Facebook Offline Conversions
  • Slack
  • Gmail
  • Google Ads
  • MailChimp


Er kunnen door Zapier Inc externe kosten in rekening worden gebracht, los van je Shopify-factuur. Meer informatie



  • * Please note that the Shopify integration requires a paid Zapier plan after the free trial
  • Automate workflows
  • Two-step Zaps
  • Unlimited Zaps


$29.99 /maand

of $239.88/jaar en bespaar 33%

  • Automate advanced workflows with the full power of Zapier.
  • Multi-step Zaps
  • Unlimited Premium Apps
  • Webhooks
  • Email Support

Gratis proefperiode van 14 dagen


$103.50 /maand

of $828/jaar en bespaar 33%

  • Build and manage automated workflows with your team.
  • Unlimited Users
  • Shared Workspaces
  • Shared app connections
  • Premier Support
  • SSO add-on

Gratis proefperiode van 14 dagen

Bevat onvertaalde tekst

Vertaling weergeven

Alle betalingen worden in USD gefactureerd. Terugkerende en op gebruik gebaseerde kosten worden om de 30 dagen gefactureerd. Alle prijsopties

Recensies (145)

Algemene beoordeling
Cijfers per recensieniveau
  • 85% recensies zijn 5 sterren
  • 6% recensies zijn 4 sterren
  • 1% recensies zijn 3 sterren
  • 2% recensies zijn 2 sterren
  • 6% recensies zijn 1 sterren
21 juli 2024

Zapier allows me to automate repetitive tasks between Shopify and countless other apps I use. From adding new customers to email lists to updating inventory in my fulfillment system, Zapier takes the manual work out of the equation, saving me precious time.

Complete Serve
Verenigde Staten
Ongeveer 2 maanden gebruiken de app
16 augustus 2024

Zapier no longer has a free option for Shopify and, therefore, stopped working and won't allow you to connect back to Shopify unless you have a paid Zapier account.

Verenigde Staten
5 maanden gebruiken de app
25 mei 2024

After using Zapier for years, one day one of our Shopify stores stopped connecting. Every time we're trying to connect it to Zapier, we get "This auth is expired. Please reconnect it here."
- No matter what we tried, Zapier will not connect to our store out of a sudden.
- Their customer service pretty much said we're on our own after years of working with them and they can't help us. They will file a ticket internally and only IF there is enough complaints like this, then someone will work on this issue.

Prime EVA
Meer dan een jaar gebruiken de app
20 februari 2024

The app doesn't work.

Every time I try to connect, it says
"Oh, foo.
Zapier could not connect to your account.

Perhaps you declined access?

Or it could be a temporary issue."

I have contacted the support, I still haven't received any answer.

Monaco Tours
1 dag gebruiken de app
8 juni 2024

I am experiencing the same thing. I am trying to reconnect to Shopify from Zapier and its giving me an authorizing error. It was working before then just stopped working in the last week.

Verenigde Staten
Ongeveer een uur gebruiken de app


App-ondersteuning aangeboden door Zapier Inc.

Of ga naar hun ondersteuningsportaal


Deze ontwikkelaar biedt geen directe ondersteuning in het Nederlands.


Zapier Inc

243 Buena Vista Ave., Sunnyvale, CA, 94086, US


26 april 2012

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