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6 ottobre 2021

# Recover more sales from abandoned shopping carts Zigglio allows you to achieve the full potential of your store's sales capability by retargeting your most valuable shoppers. In a few simple steps, now you can automatically send customized postcards to shoppers who have abandoned their cart to complete their purchases. # Build dynamic and custom postcards Zigglio allows you to create high-quality printed 6"x11" postcards with the following key features: * Easy-to-use Postcard template...

# Recover more sales from abandoned shopping carts Zigglio allows you to achieve the full potential of your store's sales capability by retargeting your most valuable shoppers. In a few simple steps, now you can automatically send customized postcards to shoppers who have abandoned their cart to complete their purchases. # Build dynamic and custom postcards Zigglio allows you to create high-quality printed 6"x11" postcards with the following key features: * Easy-to-use Postcard template... altro


Installazione gratuita

$1.45 per postcard.

Installazione gratuita

$1.45 per postcard.

Tutte le spese sono fatturate in USD.

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  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
  • Il 0% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
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Informazioni sull’app


6 ottobre 2021

Sviluppata da Zigglio

Informazioni su Zigglio

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Crea app per lo Shopify App Store da 2 anni

3884 NW 89th Way, Coral Springs, FL, 33065, US


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Questo sviluppatore non offre assistenza diretta in Italiano.

Altre app come questa

4,8 stelle su 5 6844 recensioni totali Piano gratuito disponibile
Collect and display customer content across the buyer journey.
4,7 stelle su 5 6298 recensioni totali Piano gratuito disponibile
Raccogli recensioni di prodotti, foto/vid e domande e risposte
4,9 stelle su 5 126 recensioni totali Piano gratuito disponibile
The complete QR Code solution with unlimited scans.
Built for Shopify

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