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Improve your shop with an automated email marketing tool

Acumbamail is an email marketing platform that provides a suite of tools such as a templates editor, distribution lists, subscription forms, and email campaigns. These will make your life easier while marketing your business. You can create a new Acumbamail account or synchronize an existing account. You will be able to sync your store's products and customers into your Acumbamail email templates and distribution lists. Also, the app allows you to include a subscription form within your store.

Acumbamail is an email marketing platform that provides a suite of tools such as a templates editor, distribution lists, subscription forms, and email campaigns. These will make your life easier while marketing your business. You can create a new Acumbamail account or synchronize an existing account. You will be able to sync your store's products and customers into your Acumbamail email templates and distribution lists. Also, the app allows you to include a subscription form within your store. více
  • Create a new account or synchronize existing Acumbamail account with your store
  • Sync products into Acumbamail, so that you can include them in your newsletters
  • Sync customers into Acumbamail, so that you can send them your newsletters
  • Integrate a subscription form created with Acumbamail within your store


angličtina a španělština

Tato aplikace není přeložena do jazyka čeština

Funguje s:

  • Acumbamail


Celkové hodnocení
Počty podle úrovně hodnocení
  • 0 % hodnocení s 5 hvězdami
  • 0 % hodnocení s 4 hvězdami
  • 0 % hodnocení s 3 hvězdami
  • 0 % hodnocení s 2 hvězdami
  • 0 % hodnocení s 1 hvězdami
Zatím žádné recenze


Podporu aplikace poskytuje Acumbamail.


Tento vývojář nenabízí přímou podporu v jazyce Čeština.



27. listopad 2018

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