Değerlendirmeler (447)
Puana göre
I use this to scrape products from Amazon to dropship. Awesome, can't ask for more from a free app.
So far so good. The linking up is easy enough. Time will tell if this pays off. I'm not quite there yet. But it sure beats trying to set up affiliate links with Amazon's affiliate program as that has been a pain.
good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app, good, app,
I would recommend this app for being very useful in finding products from liked suppliers (Amazon and Walmart) and for the ability to set your prices and adjust the product how you want it to be presented.
I think is a great app! Love the fact that through AMAZON shipping is guaranteed timely if the customer enjoys prime membership. Plus, there are great products already trending that are great additions to any store's collection. Thumbs up.
very imporatant app i have found.reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy useful
J'adore , super pratique et rapide d'utilisation ! pas besoin de configuration avec un tas de renseignement, c'est vraiment l'idéal.Et le grand plus c'est qu'il n'y a pas des frais exorbitants contrairement à d'autres applis ou compte pro amazon . Je recommande fortement cette application ! TOP !
I used this app to add items from Amazon (Specifically Amazon Prime) into my Shopify store. Works 100% as advertised. Big updates coming soon for the app make me even more excited :) I used a free account for about 1 day & upgraded because it was perfect.
J'utilise cette application pour importer des produits depuis amazon et expedier des produits avec ma boutique shopify cela fait gagner du temps pour ajouter un produits et travailler la fiche produits plus rapidement merci je recommande