レビュー (76)
Seems like it didn't send emails. I am trying to investigate whether it didn't send to everyone or just some people.
Can you get in touch with me, please.
Now I am sending new invitation again.
Hi there, we emailed you back, awaiting your reply! You can see the analytics for the send right in the app - If there was a problem with the send, we can certainly help to ...
Saves time sending email to all customers without account
Customer list may include one tag
Includes editable email
Cost commensurate with volume
Cannot use "exclude" tag (Liquid: unless customer.tags contains "" )
Cannot include logo, so lacks branding of other transactional emails
Does not validate for missing email addresses when counting recipients
Custom email template cannot be ...
Thank you for the feedback!
We do support logos, as you can use HTML to customize your template however you like! You can email me for support on this.
You can also reach ...
We've used this in 4 stores, so far. usually around 70% get the invite in the first mailing. Many are filtered by the receivers email service as spam, so they never receive. It does help in sending the majority of your account notices, but you will end up manually going into Shopify and sending at least 25-35 out of 100 to the customers.
Useful app.... but what i can see today is that i paid for bulk invitation, and at least 30% of my customer never received the email... that's a shame...
Hi Petdesign, we can certainly help you with that! We'll email you directly and ensure it's resolved.
I disliked there's no way of sending a working test without paying. Tweaking things could take several tests, it does not make any sense having to pay $1 every time.