Galerij met uitgelichte afbeeldingen
Importeer & synchroniseer producten van Amazon Seller Central. Verzend bestellingen met FBA / MCF. Automatiseer & bespaar tijd.
Koppel uw Amazon Seller Account aan Shopify voor multi-channel verkoop. #Importeer van Amazon Leg alles vast van Amazon, inclusief varianten, afbeeldingen, prijzen, voorraad, itemcategorieën & volledige productbeschrijvingen. #Voorraad & Prijs Sync Synchroniseer voorraad & prijzen van Amazon wanneer u maar wilt of stel auto-sync in. #Verzenden met FBA / MCF Voldoe aan bestellingen op Shopify met uw Amazon FBA-account. Laat voorraad bij Amazon en vervul zowel Amazon & Shopify bestellingen met 1 dashboard.
- Importeer alle of specifieke items. Importeer afbeeldingen, varianten, beoordelingen, categorieën, etc.
- Auto-sync prijs & voorraad. Reverse FBM-sync optie.
- Ondersteuning voor meerdere regio's. Werkt met zowel FBA & FBM producten. Laatste API's.
- Auto-verzenden met FBA / MCF. Handmatige verzendoptie. Voorbeeld van kosten. Verzendopties.
- Geavanceerde opties: Linkknop naar Amazon, prijzen opwaarderen, importplanner etc.
Bevat automatisch vertaalde tekst
- Hoogtepunten
- Werkt met de nieuwste thema's
Deze app is niet vertaald in het Nederlands
Werkt met
Amazon Seller Account, Amazon FBA, Amazon Merchant, MWSCategorieën
Gratis plan
- Voor winkels onder de Shopify proefperiode
- Tot 25 SKU's
Basis Onderhoud
$6 /maand
$0,01 per SKU getrokken van Amazon
- Importeer alle SKU's
- Volledige Listing
- Auto Tags
- Voorraad Sync
- Prijs Sync
- Multi-regio
- Importeer Beoordelingen
- Exporteer Data
- Knop Link
- Verzenden met FBA
Gratis proefperiode van 7 dagen
Bevat automatisch vertaalde tekst
Alle betalingen worden in USD gefactureerd. Terugkerende en op gebruik gebaseerde kosten worden om de 30 dagen gefactureerd. Alle prijsopties
Recensies (75)
I had a question to change something in the code and a few hours later it was done. Very fast support even due the time difference. Thanks!
Thank you so much for your positive feedback and for taking the time to post this review. It's our customers that allow us to constantly improve the app experience! Wish you good luck!
The support team are awesome, really helpful and work a solution.
Nice app for amazon seller.
Great app, ideal for Amazon and Shopify sellers....the support team are awesome too..really helpful and work a solution.
Definitely recommend...
We can’t thank you enough for the kind words about the app. Your review means a lot to us and lets us know we’re on the right track!
Great app and customer service! Was able to get all my amazon products into my Shopify account. The support team helped me out with all questions I had and helped fix a problem I was having with the software.
We're happy you're pleased with the results and that we were able to help. If there's anything else we can do to help, please let us know. And we really appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback!
Asked customer service for help with my inventory not syncing with Amazon. Was told to push products, this then removed all my current products along with their titles, descriptions, images, links.
Set me back a good couples days on my work.
The app did sync my products inventories for a brief period of time until it stopped working, twice.
Some of the settings options don't actually change anything I think it's there for filler to look like there's more options.
To be honest I chose this app as it was the cheapest and I am just starting off this website so trying to keep costs relatively low. It would be worth the price if the app worked.
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We sincerely apologize if you’ve had a less-than-perfect experience with us.
Your critique is valid - we did have a bug with the sync service which prevented syncing of products. Our technical team had fixed the problem and everything is working alright again.
If you want to speak to us, you may reach our team at and we will be there to answer right away.
Thalia kan al je vragen beantwoorden over Amazon Connectr & FBA Sync.
4 februari 2019