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Podle hodnocení
This app is wonderful and works perfectly well
Una delle app più utili per installare messaggistica whatsapp
The amazing thing is this it's basic features are totally free
Great app with great customer service
perfect App
this is very good and smooth app for shopfiy
really bad app, it keeps billing me the 'amount even though I removed the automatic payment, I also talked to the support team. They also refunded me, but in the October invoice I have the same amount again.
Hey! Please reach to us again, its probably a bug with Shopify payment we will refund :)
Esta aplicación ha sido de mucha ayuda, aunque creo que les falta agregar algunas funciones para segmentar o excluir segmentos, pero hasta ahora todo perfecto, nos ha ayudado a vender por este canal.
Je suis très satisfaite de Dondy
Je ne savais pas que c’était possible d’intégrer WhatsApp à un store Shopify mais je suis très ravie du résultat puisque les clients peuvent me contacter directement pour se renseigner des formalités
very nice