Givy → Gifting & Gift Cards
Seznamte se s nejkvalitnějšími standardy Shopify z hlediska rychlosti, snadnosti používání a hodnoty pro obchodníky
Galerie propagovaných obrázků

Gift card, product & subscription gifting, corporate gifts, bulk gift cards, migrate or import cards
Easily sell gift cards and let customers send gift cards as gifts. Make any product, subscription, membership, or gift card giftable. Send a personal message, add a GIF, video message, and schedule the gift delivery. Sell gift cards with fixed or custom amounts, and create hundreds of gift cards for customer loyalty. Print gift cards in bulk or link them to physical gift cards. Enable corporate gifting & influencer seeding. Migrate or import gift cards. Sell multiple gifts in one checkout.
- Product gifting → enable gifting on any product, send gift card as a gift
- Custom amounts → sell gift cards in the denomination that your customers choose
- Bulk gift cards & campaigns → email or print gift cards for loyal customers
- Multi-currency and multi-lingual → gifting in any currency or language
- Subscription & membership gifting → use with any subscription or membership app
- Důležité informace
- Oblíbené u firem ve Spojených státech
- Použití přímo v prostředí administrátora Shopify
- Funguje s nejnovějšími motivy
angličtina, španělština, francouzština, italština, japonština, portugalština (brazilská), a němčina
Tato aplikace není přeložena do jazyka čeština
Funguje s:
- Pokladna
- Easy Subscriptions, Recurpay
- Bold, Recharge, Appstle, Skio
- Awtomic, Stay AI, Smartrr
- OrderGroove, Subify, Seal
- Loop, PayWhirl, RecurrinGO
- Yotpo, Klaviyo, Omnisend
Možnosti doručení
- Create or sell 10 gift cards or gifts for free
- Sell gift cards with custom amounts
- Customize all emails
- Subscription & product gifting
$9 / měsíc
2% of orders with gifts and gift cards created using the app
- Unlimited gifts and gift cards
- Create bulk gift cards
- Send gift cards to existing customers by email
- Send emails from a custom domain
$99 / měsíc
1% of orders with gifts and gift cards created using the app
- Access to all features
- Reduced transaction fee
- Onboarding session to optimize program
- Great for Valentine's Day and other gifting holidays
$199 / měsíc
Includes $50,000USD/month in gifts. Merchants selling more than this should contact us to discuss a custom plan
- Access to all features
- No transaction fees
- Dedicated account manager
- Access to beta features
- Some customizations available
Všechny poplatky jsou fakturovány v měně USD. Opakované poplatky a poplatky založené na použití jsou fakturovány každých 30 dní. Zobrazit všechny cenové možnosti
{:basic=>"Recenze", :zero=>"0", :one=>"%{count}", :other=>"%{formatted_reviews}", :few=>"%{formatted_reviews}", :many=>"%{formatted_reviews}"} (31)
- 100 % hodnocení s 5 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 4 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 3 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 2 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 1 hvězdami
We contacted Givy with questions regarding their product and presented our use cases, since that point forward previous to purchasing a plan they have been more than supportive in attending to all of our questions and have made the set up process for our store a breeze. We are extremely happy with their app and features.
This app is exactly what we were looking for! It has a clean, intuitive interface, and includes everything customers are looking for when purchasing a gift card. We're excited to finally have an option to allow our customers to schedule send + add custom messages. Incredibly easy to set up to match our store's current theme settings, but with options to customize if needed. Comprehensive and well-thought out features for an affordable and competitive price. The only feedback we have would be to include a language filter, but other than that we are very happy with the functionality. The Givy Team is extremely helpful and very responsive. We highly recommend using this app!
The app works well; it's seamless, easy to manage, and intuitive enough for the merchant, customer, and recipient.
The Customer Support team was responsive, knowledgeable, and great to work with, especially "Grant" and "JP.
Thanks, guys!
John Arlotta
After spending many hours looking for a gift card app, I discovered Givy. It turned out to be the perfect solution for our specific needs. Even on the rare occasions when it doesn't immediately meet our expectations, the extremely competent and responsive Givy team always comes up with innovative solutions. They don't hesitate to develop features so that we can offer our customers an exceptional, unrivalled experience. What's more, their data protection guarantees are right up there, enabling us to ensure that our customers' data is handled correctly. Thanks JP, your Givy application is great! I can't wait to see the next features ;)
Givy helped expedite the launch of Daily Harvest’s gifting experience just in time for our first holiday season offering no-subscription-required bundles. The setup and configurability of the app enabled us to deliver the exact gifting flow that we envisioned. We were particularly excited about the scheduler functionality so the recipient is in full control of when they receive their box of delicious and nourishing meals and snacks. Working with the Givy team has been an absolute pleasure; they are extremely responsive and helpful. I am excited to scale up our gifting business working alongside Givy in the future.
Podporu aplikace poskytuje Givy.
Získat podporuZdroje
Tento vývojář nenabízí přímou podporu v jazyce Čeština.
1. duben 2024
Přístup k datům
Tato aplikace potřebuje přístup k následujícím datům, aby ve vašem obchodu mohla fungovat. Důvody zjistíte v zásadách ochrany osobních údajů vývojáře.
Zobrazte osobní údaje:
Zákazníci, majitel obchodu
Jméno/název, e-mailová adresa, telefonní číslo, fyzická adresa, geolokace, IP adresa, prohlížeč a operační systém
Majitel obchodu
Jméno/název, e-mailová adresa, telefonní číslo, fyzická adresa
Zobrazte a upravte data obchodu:
Produkty, objednávky, slevy, dárkové karty, Shopify Functions, online obchod
Upravte produkty
Skladové zásoby, produkty, zveřejnění produktů v prodejních kanálech, listingy produktů, or kolekce
Upravte objednávky
Plnění spravované obchodníkem, všechny podrobnosti objednávek za posledních 60 dnů, or informace o dopravě
Zobrazit a synchronizovat slevy
Slevové kódy a propagační akce
Upravte dárkové karty
Úprava dárkových karet or dárkové karty
Úpravy Shopify Functions
Transformace košíku or ověření košíku a pokladny
Zobrazte online obchod
Zobrazte další data
Prodejní plány
Více aplikací jako je tato