レビュー (699)

  • 評価の85%は5つ星です
  • 評価の5%は4つ星です
  • 評価の1%は3つ星です
  • 評価の1%は2つ星です
  • 評価の8%は1つ星です

Was juggling between Gorgias and Zendesk for customer service app. Went with Gorgias because it integrates seamlessly with shopify with all order information on the single page. No longer need to alt tab different windows to find information such as tracking numbers.

We have integrated chat, messenger, facebook posts, IG posts as well which is awesome. Saving you a lot of time!

I would give it a 5/5 but only draw back was the number of tickets for basic plan is only 350. If this could be pushed to 450-500 this would make it the ultimate support software on the market.

Bobble Strength

Nikola was extremely helpful and prompt to resolve our question - we're only a few days into using the platform but it's very user friendly! Thanks for the great customer service


Migrating from Zendesk to Gorgias is worth the effort if for NO other reason than the simplicity of creating tickets.

Forget the fact that it natively integrates with your Shopify store, Email,, Shipstation, Slack channel or Facebook Messenger applications BETTER than INTERCOM. Forget the fact that the macro's are basically dynamic and can be triggered using 'tags' which, as a Shopify customer, we all understand.

Forget the that the native integration with Shopify allows you to PROCESS A RETURN in the app or automagically refund or duplicate the last order OR create a COUPON CODE for frustrated customers all within Gorgias.

Sign up because Gorgias is GREAT! It's simple to use and they provide great customer support ... makes you wonder what CRM app they are using! Oh wait ... they use Gorgias too!

Down Feather Co

Really pleased with the app so far. This is the helpdesk built from the group up *specifically for* Shopify instead of the helpdesk that tries to adapt its existing platform after the fact. Would you rather have a round peg and a round hole or a square peg and a round hole?

Installation and setup was a breeze compared to Zendesk. Zendesk took me a good couple of days to get setup. Gorgias was a couple of hours.

I've found their customer service responsive and eager to consider my needs as a customer and their iteration and new feature development seems to be clipping along at a nice, speedy pace.


We have just started using this platform and so far have found pluses with it.

1. Shopify integration allows us to refund, cancel, track and see all order details on a customer's tickets.

2. Support staff is very responsive to queries.

3. Information is transferred from Zendesk allowing for smoother transition and record of customer history.

Minbie Uk

I have just started using this app. The chat responses are quick and extremely helpful. Looking forward to exploring all the features.


We don't recommend this company to anyone.

(1) Their customer service has consistently taken 24-48 hours to get back to our query, while they preach and teach their customers to reply within few mins and hours.

(2) Their profit margin are their priority. All of a sudden I just got an email saying now they will charge nearly $2-3 per sms/voice calls, which was free till now.

(3) Who charges per ticket!!! Why? Exactly explain why? We started using Gorgias as had seen mostly all shopify stores use it.

(4) Recently, in a short frame of time, they developed a lot and lot of integration with other apps, which is great but it makes me wonder if other apps are getting paid by Gorgias through back channels, as these integrations increase the number of tickets created in Gorgias and Gorgias charges per ticket - seems very dodgy.

Gorgias Inc.が返信しました 2022年12月21日

Hello, Dear Team.

We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to leave your review, and we are genuinely sorry to learn that you have got this impression. Your satisfaction is our number one priority, and this surely is not what we would like to hold ourselves to when it comes to the quality of our overall service.

In regard to the response time, we always strive to resolve any issues as soon as they are raised. Nevertheless, due to a number of reasons, whether related to ourselves or the third parties we need to cooperate with at that point, an immediate resolution sometimes may not be possible. You are always welcome to inquire about the reason, and we will always be transparent about it.

Our Pricing Scheme, also applicable to other companies working in this or any other fields, is not permanent, and is prone to modifications over time, due to market orientation and newly imposed requirements. We do, however, keep everything perfectly transparent, and we will always be more than happy to discuss any point of our Terms of Service, with complete honesty, and in full detail.

Due to a higher demand for various types of integrations suggested and requested over time via our Product Roadmap, our Development Team has been tirelessly working on bringing them to life, so that our clients can use them and handle their daily workload in the most efficient way. As for the relationship we have with any of our Partner Companies, including our Integrations Partners, please rest assured that there is nothing that should be considered untrustworthy.

This review will not go unnoticed, and we will forward it to the relevant Team. Any kind of feedback, even if it brings us just one star, immensely helps us in becoming better. Once again, we want to thank you for reaching out to us and sharing your experience.


In response to Gorgias' response- DO NOT USE THIS APP IN THE NEAR FUTURE. Since my original review we now have had several people reply to our emails and customer support requests, but all they've done so far is confirm that the system isn't working in the ways we're saying that it's not working. The phone system kicks agents off calls when new calls come in, the email import timed out after days of trying to import emails, then wiped our account clean when the import failed, when emails are uploaded we're getting duplicate emails in multiple boxes so agents are doing double work and stepping on each other's toes, our user accounts were all deleted over the weekend and nobody knows why, you can't leave an after hours message, etc... like I said before it's a great idea but a HORRIBLE execution. At this point we're trying to get our money back for the time we paid for the service that's worse than unusable- it's making our agent's jobs harder and wasting our tech team's time. Hopefully with the $30MM they just raised they can actually build the service that they're selling. And Connor used a free gift for listening to the pitch offer to get my attention then never sent the gift and hasn't replied to any of my emails after the account sign up was completed. He got his sale and was done with us. ******* Original Review: It's a great idea and they sell it well but it doesn't work and nobody calls you back. Starting with the salesperson, Connor who makes promises that the company doesn't keep, to the implementation team that disappears before the integrations are working, to the system itself that isn't ready for use (no hold function on the phones and when a call comes in and an agent is on the phone it kicks the agent off the current call and gives them the new call) gorgias is a huge disappointment. I never write bad reviews, btw but all of our emails to anyone in the company are go unanswered and the executive team isn't reachable on linkedin or any other way. Hopefully this review will get someone's attention at gorgias and they can fix this situation.

ProHealth Longevity
Gorgias Inc.が返信しました 2022年9月12日

Hello team,

Thank you so much for leaving a review, but I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a bad experience with Gorgias!

Regarding the phone issue, we sent you a reply on Saturday, please take a look and we'll be more than happy to continue troubleshooting this for you as it's definitely not expected behaviour. And not to worry - our tech teams will be involved right away if the issue isn't easy to solve on the agents' side.

As for promises Connor made that we didn't keep, could you please share some more about what was promised and wasn't delivered? I'll be more than happy to loop Connor in as well and we can all jump on a call, if needed. Just let us know!

To address the putting agents on hold feature, it's currently on our Roadmap here https://portal.productboard.com/gorgias/1-gorgias-product-roadmap/c/221-put-customer-on-hold-during-call, set to be released in late 2023. You can vote for the idea right there - the more votes, the higher the priority.

And finally, to address the unanswered emails, while we did have a huge surge of tickets and some agents out of office which resulted in a backlog - for which we truly apologize - we managed to reply to everyone during the weekend, so please take a look at our latest reply and we can continue our troubleshooting. We want Gorgias to be the perfect solution for your business and we'd be more than happy to help!

Thank you once again for your patience and your review - every piece of feedback helps us learn and get better.

All the best in the meantime!


We used this app for a number of months but decided to migrate away. Gorgias is well established however we felt that it was trying to do too much and the customer got lost in persistent automation. The support team were excellent at the onset but that ebbed away over time and I didn't feel it was appropriate to continue with this solution. A nice product but not compelling enough to keep as our first choice app.l

Mountain Dog

Our staff was frustrated with having to help customers in multiple platforms and various other channels. It was easy to integrate with Shopify and add the other channels. When we had questions, customer support was almost immediate and very helpful. You cannot go wrong using this app... we highly recommend. Well worth the money.
