Değerlendirmeler (761)
Puana göre
so far so good - works great!!!
Wow! What an easy app! Love apps that are so easy to use to get a certain job done! Highly recommend this app!
Our site is loading noticeably faster.
super app! I recommend it to each web site!
I just got this message and thought that the amount of space saved by this app was worth sharing......"You have optimized 1566 images (482.1 MB) saving 348.8 MB (72%) total file size". Total cost was less than $16.00!! I am pleased that I installed this today to improve my website's performance.
Great App, easy to use and really decreased my loading time on my homepage. Would definitely recommend!
Nicely done! It's a good thing I optimised my images, otherwise I would have to load an extra 7.3MB on my site!
Super easy and cost effective, space saved = 61%. Highly reccommended
C'est une super app!!
Notre galerie d'art contemporain expose des centaines de tableaux abstraits et nous avons besoin de montrer la finesse et les détails de chaque peinture...
Regardez la qualité des images de nos tableaux sur
Great App! works like Magic. made a significant difference in page load speed and page analysis from google.. looking for a good change in page ratings as well!