Değerlendirmeler (236)
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Missing features:
Reviews show up directly under the product, not at the bottom of the page.
Editing star review placement; You can't to center the star rating with the title of the product without coding it.
These are basic features.
There is no information in the description that the user can have only 10 reviews and after that must to upgrade to another paid plan.
No action when i click the import Amazon. I try again again, It still not work, what's wrong with it or I set it wrong?
Please contact us, we will help you to resolve this problem
We are sorry for this inconvenience
App is not working. I activated widget but still the reviews were not there on the product page. Also they do Fake advertisement. In a free plan they says import 20 reviews but after installation they only allow 12 reviews and all the basic features are also disabled. I would suggest exclude free plan from the app. It's useless.
stupid app DON'T install it it's not working......................................
Could you tell us what your problem is?