Değerlendirmeler (26)
Toplam puan
Puana göre
16 Mayıs 2024
Cannot be configured after installing.
Failed to complete OAuth process: Incorrect datetime value: '2024-05-16T15:21:15.534Z' for column 'created_at' at row 1
Uygulamayı kullanma süresi:19 dakika
mfyz yanıt
18 Mayıs 2024
Hi Artech, we're sorry you had this issue and appreciate you contacting our support separately. We responded in 2 minutes after you wrote, that we were investigating the issue, and we wrote back 8 minutes later, with the fix for this issue you were having and, we haven't heard from you.
It is unfair to leave a 1-star review without communicating or retrying to install the app again and basing this review without experiencing the app.