Değerlendirmeler (5.954)
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This app has been getting me website clicks from various cities and countries which is nice. My only issue is it loads one pin of each size of product which is a nightmare to get rid of then there, the issue of pulling product from the site and having to try to find the pins to delete so customers aren't getting a 404 error. Perhaps this is my issue, I'm not too familiar with the set ups, I'm still learning.
A experiência foi boa, fácil e sim, eu não tive nenhuma dificuldade para configurar ela com a minha loja.
Facill de configurar, aun no la utilizado a fondo pero tengo altas expectativas al ser una de las aplicaciones más usadas en USA
I enjoyed signs up it was fast and easy. No problems at all. Free ad money helps with building my business online.
This app has helped me promote my store through Pinterest and I have found it very supportive and easy to use.
Great, the process of connecting the accounts is very easy to set up and to funny to manage. Try it!!
use for my small business. for small at home and work projects. marketing and ads for my business,and to promote.
I really like the platform Pinterest. I used to think that Pinteres is difficult to connect to facebooK. I did not expect that the step-by-step connection was successful. This app is OK
Tenho ótimas referencias do Shopify, ja estou gostando desde o incio do uso, super recomendo a todos
Melhor fonte de informações que ja vi até agora.
Muito bom a integração, fácil rápido e ainda gera crédito para quem tem a loja ativa na shopify, além do profissional de marketing que eles disponibilizam, estão de parabéns