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Offri spedizioni a impatto zero per attrarre più acquirenti.
Shopify Planet consente di scegliere la spedizione a impatto zero e di inserire badge personalizzabili per mostrare il proprio impegno contro i cambiamenti climatici. Secondo una ricerca di Shopify, il 40% degli acquirenti è disposto a pagare di più per prodotti ecosostenibili e il 43% è più incline ad acquistare da brand attenti alla sostenibilità. Che sia tu a pagare per le spedizioni a impatto zero o possano farlo i tuoi acquirenti, Planet ti mette in contatto con un pubblico moderno.
- Massima semplicità: nessuna azione richiesta dopo l’installazione
- Paga tu per la spedizione a impatto zero o offri questa opzione al check-out
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- Si usa dal pannello di controllo Shopify
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Inglese. Danese. Tedesco. Spagnolo. Francese. Italiano. Giapponese. Olandese. Portoghese (Brasile). Ceco. Finlandese. Coreano. Norvegese (Bokmål). Polacco. Portoghese (Portogallo). Svedese. Tailandese. Turco. Vietnamita. Cinese (semplificato)e Cinese (tradizionale)
Funziona con
Etichette e imballaggio
Gestione delle spedizioni
Tipo di ente di beneficenza
Installazione gratuita
Planet costa in media 0,035-0,15 USD per ordine. Puoi recedere o cambiare piano quando vuoi.
Tutte le spese sono fatturate in USD.
Recensioni (74)
Moved from Ecologi to this as it appeared native, and better value, but they are are very sneaky in how they word the billing and our bill per shipment is crazily excessive. They're trying to claim we owe over $1000 although we set up a cap. This is ridiculous and if they try to action we will need to go to court or chargeback.
### Edit: the package size, weight and dimensions aren't known by Planet as they are not entered in our backend. If you are using product dimensions, for rugs, which are sent rolled, you are massively over-pricing. We are being charged at a rate of $10 per item. Initial pricing displayed was $0.35 per item. The cap is confusing as although we have not been charged over this per month it shows we owe x8 the total monthly cap.
We're sorry that you had a bad experience with Planet. Regarding the bill – you will never be charged more than your billing cap for any billing cycle. When it comes to your per-shipment costs, the weight of products is one of the drivers of shipping emissions. Shipping heavy products like rugs can generate above-average emissions. If you'd like to continue offering carbon-neutral shipping as an option, you can select a subscription option that enables your customers to choose carbon-neutral shipping on any order.
Making unapproved charges. We are paying as much as $82 per order which is insane. The monthly spending limit doesn't help much because they will withhold and charge the remaining to next month.
We're sorry you didn't have a good experience with Planet! Planet does not make any charges that aren't approved, so there is some sort of misunderstanding.
Looking at your store, I see some of the items are extremely heavy, e.g., a grill that weighs more than 70 pounds. Because carbon emissions are based in part of the weight of a package, then a 70-pound shipment will simply generate more emissions and therefore carry a larger price tag to offset.
You can always use the "billing cap" to ensure that you're never billed more than you expect.
Please reach out to planet at shopify dot com if you have questions or would like further details. Again, apologies that you did not have a good experience with Planet.
Video only suitable for US users. Shows $ as currency and would be better for us in £ with British speaker and phrases.
Thanks for the rating and review. You're right that localized versions of the video assets would be awesome. That's something we hope to pursue in the future. In the meantime, thanks again for the feedback and for using Shopify Planet!
Always room for improvement.
We agree! Thanks so much for the review. We genuinely appreciate the feedback. When it comes to specific things to improve, feel free to reach out to planet at shopify dot com. We love hearing from users and take suggestions seriously. Thanks again!
There was no charge with your permission and the charge was not authorized by you.
Thanks for the note. Planet users are never charged without permission. Planet users can also customize their "billing cap," which guarantees there will be no Planet charges above that customized threshold. Finally, Planet users can choose to enable customers to pay (instead of paying themselves). We'd be happy to unpack these options – reach out to planet at shopify dot com if you'd like to learn more.
Assistenza app fornita da Shopify.
Ricevi assistenzaRisorse
Questo sviluppatore non offre assistenza diretta in Italiano.
151 O’Connor St, Ottawa, ON, ON, CA
2 giugno 2022
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