Recenze (7 368)

Celkové hodnocení
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  • 83 % hodnocení s 5 hvězdami
  • 7 % hodnocení s 4 hvězdami
  • 3 % hodnocení s 3 hvězdami
  • 2 % hodnocení s 2 hvězdami
  • 5 % hodnocení s 1 hvězdami
28. září 2018

Product quality is ok. I hope you never have to get in touch with anyone at Printful as they don't answer email or give you any updates. I currently have an order still showing being fulfilled that was placed 14 days ago. NO UPDATES, NO EMAIL, NO REPLY to my email asking what's going on. Customer service is a joke at best. Guess which app I'll be deleting and replacing today?

Shirt Nazi
Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: Asi 2 měsíci
6. červen 2020

This app is easy to install and it is easy to create new products. The problem: When people ORDER. I had a client order a t-shirt (a t-shirt!!) in early May. After several weeks, I wrote to them. They blamed Covid-19 for the delay and said it would be a month (for a t-shirt...'cause they first have to do research and INVENT the t-shirt). THEN, they said THAT type of mystical t-shirt was out of ...

The Shepherd Comic
Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: Asi 2 měsíci
Vývojář Printful odpověděl 9. červen 2020

Hi there, thank you for your review, we appreciate hearing from you! I’m sorry to hear that your experience with us hasn’t been the most positive so far, but I hope we can ...

15. únor 2018

This is extremely frustrating for me. The price is confusing, the shipping info very complex, and the price isn't very affordable.

Doba používání aplikace: Asi měsícem
9. prosinec 2022

Way to hard for set up! Not sure how this will work out but I am giving it a try. I can't even tell if all my stores are connected.

Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: Asi měsícem
7. srpen 2018

Gave it a try but sorry it's true new business owners...just turn the other way. I love their site, I was on my way to use only them for starters but the fulfillment time is horrible along with the shipment time. I guess I should have name the product Casper because the order vanished in thin air. the tracking number is stuck on pre-shipment label created and Printful swears up and down it is the ...

Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: Asi měsícem
4. červen 2024

Too many errors between Shopify and printful

Michael Volpicelli Art
Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: 19 dny
Vývojář Printful odpověděl 6. červen 2024

Thank you for leaving a review! We appreciate the feedback and we'd certainly be happy to check further on the mentioned errors. Please send us an email at feedback@printful. ...

28. březen 2024

Un bug toujours pas résolu depuis plus d'un mois signalé, l'équipe technique a dit qu'elle s'en chargeait. Des modèles n'apparaissent pas sur plusieurs modèles de tee shirts. Les tee shirts apparaissent vierge de tout motif dans la prévisualisation. En dehors de ce bug, et du non agissement du service technique, fonctionne plutôt bien. Je pourrai en dire plus quand j'aurai commencer les ventes, ...

Boutique Généalogie
Doba používání aplikace: 24 dny
Vývojář Printful odpověděl 3. duben 2024

Bonjour, merci pour votre avis et d'avoir porté ce problème à notre attention ! Nous sommes désolés pour les désagréments que vous avez rencontrés avec cette erreur. Notre é ...

15. leden 2021

The integration with Amazon dosen't work anymore, the information on Printful web site is outdated... The discussion I have had with Printful is that Amazon has changed the process and at the moment Printful cannot help, you have to look to Amazon. By reading all the comments on the web and here, I conclude that I am not going to partner with Printful and look for another POD. .

Doba používání aplikace: 24 dny
Vývojář Printful odpověděl 16. leden 2021

Hi there!

Thank you for your review! We're very sorry your experience using our services hasn't been the best!

We do our best to follow any updates within the integrations. ...

20. únor 2022

I've just finished completing my first order and I will admit, it was not that straight forward to setup the fulfillment details. Additionally, the fulfillment process identified Latvia as the closest location??? I'm in the US and it sounds like I will be waiting a while for this. I am doing this order for myself to test the service before fully opening my shop so I'm concerned that I might need ...

Mister Miguel
Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: 23 dny
Vývojář Printful odpověděl 21. únor 2022

Hi, Miguel!

Thank you for your review. We're sorry to hear that there were some issues with creating your first order.
Please note that the item you chose can be fulfilled ...

27. květen 2024

Right now I'm caught in a horrible loop between the two. The printful account I originally created seems to have disappeared, and I can't get the two to sink up properly. It's a nightmare.

My Store
Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: 16 dny
Vývojář Printful odpověděl 30. květen 2024

Thank you for your feedback! We're sorry to hear about the difficulties you're experiencing with syncing your accounts. This is not the experience we want for our customers, ...