Hextom: Quick Announcement Bar
Seznamte se s nejkvalitnějšími standardy Shopify z hlediska rychlosti, snadnosti používání a hodnoty pro obchodníky
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Podle hodnocení
This app is just awesome, very easy to install and use, fantastic very helpful support!!! Can't recommend more!!! Many thanks!!!:)
This is a great app! It's super easy to use and I love the look of the bar on my site. Highly recommend.
Quick to install and super easy to use.
simple and it just works. ZERO worries!! Easy 5 star review. There needs to be more easy apps like this one!
Great product love it! Does exactly what it says. Looks great on our page.
I have used this app on two stores and it's easy to setup. I have the free basic version and it can be customized to a certain extent.
The app is simple to use and has reasonable customization to serve my purpose. Great app. Recommended
Estoy feliz con esta app porque puedo darle un look diferente al banner. de mi paagina! muy recomendado
A breeze to install. Had my first bar up & running in 5 minutes tops. And it looked good- sweeet! I tried others & had to delete for 1 reason or another.
serh gute app die bei vielem weiterhilft.
sie ist sehr übersichtlich und schön gestaltet.
mann kann mehrere flächen auf seiner seite abdecken und die läute zum kauf überzeugen.
ich konnte sehr leicht schaltflächen benutzen um besser für meine produkte zu werben.