Recensies (2.754)
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Nice and easy to set up
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I really appreciate it. Thank you for your patient explanation. I will share it with my colleagues.
thanks again
Good to hear that you're loving your experience with the app. Thank you for leaving such an encouraging review and giving us 5 stars. :)
easy to set up! easy templates and it works in real time with actual recordings that show the movements of customers. Loving it so far!
I just downloaded it, and was able to view my screen test time straight away. Will be a very handy tool to increase sales in the future.
The app is simple to use and lets you watch a customer's behavior on the website. Pretty good because if there is an issue, you can easily troubleshoot it using this app.
i used this app and it is good great ***************************
wooww amazing! This is going to help me know where my clients stop. Also I will know the product most visit
THis app is very good to see user flow. Everyone should have this for their store.
You can debug and find mistake easily
great app great app great app great app great app great app great app great app great app great app