Recenze (5 907)

Celkové hodnocení
Počty podle úrovně hodnocení
  • 97 % hodnocení s 5 hvězdami
  • 2 % hodnocení s 4 hvězdami
  • 0 % hodnocení s 3 hvězdami
  • 0 % hodnocení s 2 hvězdami
  • 0 % hodnocení s 1 hvězdami
18. červenec 2024

Please, i need support

Doba používání aplikace: 6 měsíci
Vývojář Channelwill odpověděl 20. září 2024

Hi there,

We understand that you have a trouble and you need our help. We are alwasy here 24/7 to assist you. All you need to do is to contact us through our live chat.

We have also reached out to you. Kindly please share to us how we can help, and rest assured that we will assign to you the best agent to handle your concerns.

We look forward to hearing form you.

Team Trustoo

10. září 2024

super hard to use

Humble Homemade Designs
Doba používání aplikace: Asi hodinou
Vývojář Channelwill odpověděl 11. září 2024

Hi, Humble Homemade Designs!

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We're truly sorry to hear that you’ve found the app difficult to use, and we sincerely apologize for any frustration this has caused. Our goal is to make the experience as seamless and user-friendly as possible, and it's clear that we fell short in your case.

We take your concerns seriously, and we'd love the opportunity to make things right. If there's anything specific you're struggling with, our support team is here to help you step by step. Whether it's navigating the features or setting up certain functions, we’re more than happy to guide you through the process and make it easier for you.

We truly hope we can turn your experience around, and if things improve for you, we would be grateful if you considered revisiting your rating in the future. Please reach out to us anytime — we're committed to ensuring that you get the most out of our app.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,
Trustoo Team

19. červenec 2024


Doba používání aplikace: Asi 6 hodinami
Vývojář Channelwill odpověděl 20. červenec 2024

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we're sorry to hear that our app didn't meet your expectations. If you could provide us with more details about the issues you encountered, we'll do our best to address them and make improvements. We have sent you an email to reach out to you to start our conversation. Please check and we looks forward to your reply.

7. prosinec 2023

Doba používání aplikace: 2 měsíci
Vývojář Channelwill odpověděl 8. prosinec 2023


Obrigado pelo seu feedback. Lamentamos profundamente qualquer frustração que você possa ter experimentado ao fazer sua primeira avaliação de importação em nosso aplicativo. Agradecemos sinceramente por você compartilhar suas idéias e compreender a importância de uma experiência positiva desde o início.

Analisaremos nossas práticas de comunicação e avaliação de planos para garantir que sejam mais transparentes e compreensíveis. A sua opinião é essencial para a nossa melhoria contínua.

Se você tiver mais detalhes ou sugestões específicas sobre como podemos melhorar, ficaremos gratos em ouvi-lo. Portanto, não hesite em entrar em contato com o suporte e com certeza ouviremos sua opinião. Queremos garantir que cada etapa do uso do nosso aplicativo seja clara e agradável.

Agradecemos sua compreensão e oportunidade de crescer com seu valioso feedback.

Trustoo team

18. červen 2024

debe ser mas sencilla y con mayor interaccion en los ajustes y edicion de nombres, fechas, paises y fotos

Doba používání aplikace: Asi hodinou
Vývojář Channelwill odpověděl 21. červen 2024

Hola Malimba. Muchas gracias por tus comentarios. Ten en cuenta que es política de Shopify eliminar la edición de fechas y banderas de países. Tenemos que seguir sus reglas o de lo contrario su tienda será penalizada tanto como nosotros.

Le hemos enviado un correo electrónico para discutir más sobre la situación. Esperamos con interés escuchar de usted.


8. listopad 2022

your app cant upload the pages, so that we couldn't use it.....................................................

Doba používání aplikace: 9 dny
Vývojář Channelwill odpověděl 10. listopad 2022

Hi there. Thank you for your honest feedback. We believe that there is a misunderstanding that had happened here. We have messsaged you already to discuss this and to help sort this out. We are geared towards satisfaction and success of our users. And we value your opinions. Please message us back so we can help to figure this out. Thank you so much.


22. prosinec 2023

Nicht wirklich in, Deutsch viele einfach in Englisch beschrieben

Doba používání aplikace: 26 minutami
Vývojář Channelwill odpověděl 23. prosinec 2023

Hallo Fundgruben-Shop,

Vielen Dank, dass Sie Ihr Feedback mit uns geteilt haben. Wir entschuldigen uns aufrichtig, wenn unser Service hinter Ihren Erwartungen zurückgeblieben ist.

Wir verstehen Ihre Unzufriedenheit darüber, dass die Sprache der App nicht auf Deutsch ist. Die Sprache der App lässt sich zwar auf Deutsch umstellen. Sollten Sie weitere Bedenken haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Kundensupport-Team. Wir unterstützen Sie gerne bei der korrekten Einrichtung Ihres Kontos. Wir stehen Ihnen jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Wir hoffen bald von dir zu hören. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen wundervollen Tag!

Beste grüße,