SpurIT SEO Image Optimizer
- Cena
Od $9.95 /měsíc
- Hodnocení
- 4,2 (138)
- Vývojář
- SpurIT LLC
Galerie propagovaných obrázků

Speed up your store and improve SEO by optimizing product images and alt text.
Save time and enhance your store's speed and SEO with this 3-in-1 image optimization app! Image Resizer: Ensures all images have a consistent width/height ratio for a polished look. Image Compressor: Minimizes file size without quality loss for faster loading. Alt Text Optimizer: Automatically adds alt text using templates to boost SEO. Note: Optimizes product images only.
- Optimize and compress product images in clicks without losing quality.
- Resize/square photos individually or in bulk. Make them fit any sales channel!
- Set up templates & automatically update alt text for products and their options
- Automatically edit newly added images for your store to look more professional.
- Restore optimized images to the original format in one click, if required.
Tato aplikace není přeložena do jazyka čeština
Funguje s:
Optimalizace obrázků
Hromadné úpravy
Nástroje SEO
Sledování výkonu
$9.95 / měsíc
- Up to 100 actions with images per month
- Automatic backups
- Custom alt image tags
$15.95 / měsíc
- Up to 1000 actions with images per month
- + Everything in Basic Plan
$19.95 / měsíc
nebo $119/rok s úsporou 50 %
- Unlimited number of actions with images
- + Everything in Basic Plan
Všechny poplatky jsou fakturovány v měně USD. Opakované poplatky a poplatky založené na použití jsou fakturovány každých 30 dní.
Recenze (138)
BEWARE! Their payment information makes it look like you pay for what you use, but if you don't uninstall the app they will keep charging you that every month (in my case for years). Even after other negtive reviews here they haven't changed their payment information to reflect how it actually works.
Great App saved me lots of hours updating alt image tags. Thank you so much!
awesome apps, we feel very helpful with this apps
This app has saved me a lot of time and stress. When I discovered that Shopify only posts square photos I already had all my products photographed in landscape style. This app quickly and easily added a black or white bar to the top and bottom of my photos. They look great!
Simple to use. Saves hours of work
Podporu aplikace poskytuje SpurIT LLC.
Tento vývojář nenabízí přímou podporu v jazyce Čeština.
30. květen 2017
Více aplikací jako je tato