ShipMonk | Order Fulfillment
Galerij met uitgelichte afbeeldingen
Groeimerkjes vertrouwen op ShipMonk's 3PL-platform om hun verzend- en fulfillmentoperaties te beheersen.
ShipMonk’s krachtige 3PL-platform biedt een eenvoudige oplossing voor omnichannel e-commercebedrijven van alle groottes die hun fulfillmentuitdagingen willen beheersen. Onze interne, technologisch ondersteunde fulfillmentcentra worden ondersteund door de meest geavanceerde order-, voorraad-, verzend- en magazijnbeheersoftware in de industrie. Gecombineerd met transparante facturering en toonaangevende klantenserviceteams, zal uw bedrijf met ShipMonk minder stress hebben en meer groeien!
- Ontworpen om merken te helpen een proactieve benadering van verzending en fulfillment te hanteren.
- Profiteer van ShipMonk's sterk gereduceerde verzendtarieven van vervoerders.
- Toegewijde Happiness Engineers zorgen ervoor dat uw account de ondersteuning krijgt die het nodig heeft.
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Deze app is niet vertaald in het Nederlands
Werkt met
- Amazon
- Skubana
- Cin7
- Returnly
- Loop Returns
- Gorgais
Er kunnen door ShipMonk externe kosten in rekening worden gebracht, los van je Shopify-factuur. Meer informatie
Gratis te installeren
Pick & pack kosten, verzend- en opslagkosten.
Bevat automatisch vertaalde tekst
Alle betalingen worden in USD gefactureerd. Alle prijsopties
Recensies (140)
I've had a really great experience with Shipmonk. We're no longer using them because we have our own warehouse now, but I truly had no complaints. Special shout out to Anthony B who was exceptionally helpful as we were closing the account.
I've been using Shipmonk for over 5 years now and I've been very happy with their CS team, ( I had the pleasure to work with Moises G.) and it's always accurate, timely, and professional response.
We've been with a lot of 3PLs, and while Shipmonk is not perfect, our Happiness Engineer (hi Ryan!) is absolutely incredible and makes our jobs so much easier. He is attentive, kind, empathetic and a real problem solver. We would be lost without Ryan!
We've had a mixed experience with Shipmonk as a fulfillment service. While there are some positives, there have been significant challenges that affected our operations.
* International Order Shipping: We only achieved reliable international shipping after partnering with Passport, which revealed weaknesses in our initial approach.
* Shipping from the UK to Europe: Relying on Royal Mail instead ...
Can't say enough good things ... top-tier performance, able to flex volumes, responsive and supportive of our business as we grow. We couldn't ask for better fulfillment partners
App-ondersteuning aangeboden door ShipMonk.
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15 december 2017