Recenze (59)

Celkové hodnocení
Počty podle úrovně hodnocení
  • 36 % hodnocení s 5 hvězdami
  • 20 % hodnocení s 4 hvězdami
  • 14 % hodnocení s 3 hvězdami
  • 10 % hodnocení s 2 hvězdami
  • 20 % hodnocení s 1 hvězdami
23. srpen 2021

Simple and effective codes that can be used in such a range of ways. Good for those who want to try some alternative ways of marketing their products.

Doba používání aplikace: Více než 2 roky
29. květen 2020

The app is not working at all. Attempting to make a "Shop code" for any product results in a generic error screen that something went wrong.

TCL Fasteners, Inc.
Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: Více než 2 roky
Datum úprav: 7. září 2023


Can generate QR codes but you are stuck with a non standard tag design instead of just a square. They should give us the option to pick, but they do not.

Cannot search for previous Shopcodes you have created. You have to manually scroll through all of your previous Shopcodes through multiple pages to see if you have already made one for that product.

Can only make QR codes for products. Not for pages, blogs or collections.

As of the time of writing this review when trying to create new Shopcodes the app no longer searches my stores products and just returns no products found. Copy pasting product titles yields no search results, product skus yield no search results, even shopify product ID's yield no results when trying to search my store products to create new Shopcodes.

You used to be able to choose to download a svg or png file. Now you are forced to download both svg and png files for the Shopcode in a zip file which just adds extra steps to your work flow. Should have the option to download single files or both at once but you no longer have the option to choose.

Exotic Wings and Pet Things Inc
Doba používání aplikace: Více než 2 roky
15. září 2017

This is great app and I'm excited that this has finally come. My excitement is tempered by the fact that I can't create a QR code for my Shopify store directly. I like the idea of taking the customer direct to a product, but depending on the sales flyers that I'm putting out, I would like to be able to direct the customer to my homepage and let them shop that way. Especially if I'm putting this on business cards.

Uptown Boujee
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Doba používání aplikace: Téměř 2 roky
25. červenec 2018

It's great and easy to use. A few more option would be nice to add:

We want to use different qr shopcodes for the same products. To make sure that we can track the conversion rate of each label we have to add a special information where each code is shown.

Without this feature it's still a great product but it does not allow proper analytics.

Sicnature De
Doba používání aplikace: Více než rokem
2. leden 2019

Thank you. Seems to work well. So far, so good.

Authentic Bags Only
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Doba používání aplikace: Více než rokem
12. září 2017

Woow..Great app.We will use the codes on packages to give detailed care information about the product.

Doba používání aplikace: Více než rokem
21. září 2023

too bad, you can't even search the product

BeBulk Nutrition
Doba používání aplikace: Asi rokem
19. červenec 2023

Extremely disappointed in this app. With the way small businesses are operating in shared retail spaces, this is imperative to have. Square has a great self serve program take a look for inspiration. SHOPIFY PLEASE do better and make improvements to this app so that your customers can successfully use it!!

little + kind shop
Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: Asi rokem
13. září 2017

This is good. 4 stars because i wish user can select how the scan code shows like (for example, simply QR code without anything else). Now i have to manually edit the SVG each time i downloaded.

Traverse Hk
Hongkong – ZAO Číny
Doba používání aplikace: Asi rokem