Shopify Bundlesで平均注文金額を増やす
商品バンドルで、お客様によりよい商品キュレーションを提供して平均注文金額を増加させましょう。Shopify Bundlesを使えば、管理画面から直接、固定バンドルとマルチパックを直接作成でき、お客様はバンドルの商品に関連付けられたバリエーションから選択することができます。また、Shopify Bundlesにはリアルタイムで更新される在庫情報が含まれているので、売り越しを心配する必要がありません。
- 管理画面から直接、固定バンドルとマルチパックを簡単に作成できます。
- コーディングやカスタマイズは必要ありません。バンドルを今すぐ作成できます。
- お客様はサイズや色などのオプションからバンドルの商品を選択することができます。
- バンドル商品ページを画像、バリエーション、商品オプションでカスタマイズできます。
- 在庫はリアルタイムで更新されるので、売り越しが発生することはありません。
- ハイライト
- アメリカのビジネスに人気
- 管理画面で直接操作
デンマーク語、 ドイツ語、 英語、 スペイン語、 フィンランド語、 フランス語、 イタリア語、 日本語、 韓国語、 ノルウェー語 (ブークモール)、 オランダ語、 ポーランド語、 ポルトガル語 (ブラジル)、 ポルトガル語 (ポルトガル)、 スウェーデン語、 タイ語、 トルコ語、 中国語 (簡体字)、 中国語 (繁体字)、と チェコ語
レビュー (599)
Another expected, underwhelming and useless app shopify provides. Why would the bundle not be out of stock if ONE product is out of stock? That is a crucial piece of information to know. Just useless…customers don’t buy the bundle to receive ONE product only but because they want THE bundle of products. Shopify again puts the merchant on the back foot and the merchant need to manage customer expectations. I do wonder who comes up with this none sense…
Aside from its limited functionality, it also has known bugs that appear on random bundles.
The main issue is that some bundles show zero stock even though the underlying products have stock, which is a crucial component in a bundle app.
After spending days configuring and translating products, it's frustrating when the app stops working for certain items. It's most likely some glitch in the inventory sync and should be easily fixed. Hard to understand that Shopify can't put a developer on this for a few hours to correct it.
Nice to see a Shopify created free bundles app which I would like to start adding to my product offerings.
The Bundler app has revolutionised my raw dog food business! In the past, managing inventory for mix boxes was a major headache. For example, if I had 32 beef minces in stock but 10 mix boxes each containing 3 beef, I'd only have 2 individual minces available for customers wanting to buy single blocks. This also meant I was severely limiting sales of my mix boxes due to underestimating how many I could actually make with my stock levels.
The Bundler app solved this problem by accurately accounting for products used in mix boxes. Now, the app automatically calculates and displays the maximum number of mix boxes available based on my current stock levels, boosting potential sales significantly. If I have enough to make 20 boxes, it will accurately show 20 in stock rather than the 3 or 4 I used to manually list, preventing customers from assuming low stock levels when they could easily build their own mix box from our ample individual ingredient stock.
Additionally, the app effortlessly handles different variations within each box, something I used to track manually. Now, when someone buys a mix box, the app automatically updates individual product levels, making packing a breeze for other people, not just me. This app has been a lifesaver, streamlining my stock management and allowing me to offer more flexible options to my customers while boosting sales and efficiency.
App does not allow to sell on channels other than 'Online Store' or 'Shop'.
It is not possible to sell products created via bundles on channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Google or YouTube, which despite being a use case for most users, is not explicitly listed unless you search this matter on Shopify Forums.
Even then, the case appears to have been raised to support numerous times well over a year ago with no action taken.
Unfortunately, lack of support for official shopify apps seems to be a common theme. The matter listed above makes this app redundant for our store, otherwise it would be fantastic.
Shopify Bundlesに関するご質問にはShopifyがお答えいたします。
このアプリがストアで機能するためには、次のデータにアクセスする必要があります。 その理由については、開発者向けの プライバシーポリシーでご確認ください。
名前、 メールアドレス、 電話番号、 物理的な住所
商品、 販売チャネルでの商品の公開, or コレクション