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Got this app for free as part of Shopify plus. When we downgraded to shopify standard Shopify decided it would be ok to start billing us for it. We've never agreed to any kind of paid plan for this app, but Shopify have been billing us for over 12 months before we'd noticed. They don't want to refund us for an app we never agreed to pay for so I guess we're taking them to court.
Thank you for taking the time to share your review. I understand your concern about your subscription, and our team can certainly assist you further with this. Please get in contact with us through for a chat, or call us by reaching the number inside the POS app under More > Support > Contact Support and we'll be able to look into this for you! - Rick, Shopify Support
JI was charged without being notified. I could not understand why I was being charged over $100 per month for an account that I had frozen. Sure enough, Shopify decided that they should keep charging me for POS Pro, which I DID NOT realize was added to my account. Sad to say, and see that this feels like just another money grab.
Hi there, thanks for taking the time to share this feedback! We would certainly only want to charge you if your store is actively using the POS Pro subscription for in-person sales. If you wish to query your billing, please reach out to our team at and we'd be happy to look into it for you! - Rick, Shopify Support
Yeah, I was charged a dollar for two months in a row said I had been given 30 more days then all sudden 41 n 93 $ took out of my acct no without notice bounced my acct n took out money of pending bills never used or sold anything because every time I set up the account, it says I was active and then I look again and it says one more step one more step one more step to make active to open store so basically I was charged for a service that was never used or seen joke, big joke
Hi there, appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with us! Sorry to hear you were unable to set up your store in time! Our support team is available 24/7, we can certainly help you finish setting up your store and look into your Billing if you were unable to use the POS app. Please reach out to our team at and we can help you with that! - Rick, Shopify Support
Reseña detallada de Shopify POS: 1/5
Shopify POS ofrece una interfaz amigable y una integración directa con la plataforma en línea de Shopify. Sin embargo, en nuestra experiencia operativa en México, hemos identificado múltiples limitaciones que afectan significativamente la eficiencia y la satisfacción del cliente en un entorno minorista dinámico. A continuación, se detallan diez puntos críticos:
1. Falta de soporte para múltiples divisas
Operando en una zona turística con clientela internacional, la incapacidad de Shopify POS para procesar pagos en efectivo en diferentes divisas sin conversión automática nos obliga a realizar cálculos manuales. Esto incrementa el riesgo de errores y ralentiza el proceso de pago, afectando negativamente la experiencia del cliente y la precisión en la gestión de caja.
2. Incompatibilidad con Shopify Payments en México
En México, Shopify Payments no está disponible, lo que nos obliga a utilizar terminales de pago externas para procesar tarjetas de crédito. Esta situación complica la integración de pagos y puede generar inconsistencias en la conciliación de ventas.
3. Disponibilidad limitada de hardware
La tienda de hardware de Shopify no realiza envíos a México, lo que nos obliga a adquirir equipos compatibles a través de minoristas externos. Esto puede resultar en dificultades para encontrar hardware compatible y en posibles problemas de integración.
4. Problemas de rendimiento y estabilidad
Hemos experimentado lentitud y fallos en el sistema durante eventos de alta demanda, lo que resulta en interrupciones en el servicio y pérdida de ventas. Por ejemplo, durante un evento con gran afluencia de clientes, el sistema se volvió inoperativo, impidiendo procesar transacciones y generando largas filas y frustración entre los clientes. Estas interrupciones afectan la confianza en el sistema y la reputación de nuestro negocio.
5. Integración limitada con hardware de terceros
La compatibilidad de Shopify POS con hardware de terceros es limitada, lo que nos ha obligado a invertir en equipos específicos de Shopify, incrementando los costos operativos. Por ejemplo, intentamos integrar un escáner de códigos de barras de un proveedor reconocido, pero la falta de compatibilidad nos forzó a adquirir el modelo específico que Shopify recomienda, generando gastos adicionales no previstos.
6. Soporte técnico insuficiente
En situaciones críticas, el soporte técnico no ha respondido con la rapidez y eficacia necesarias. Al enfrentar un problema técnico que impedía procesar pagos, contactamos al soporte y recibimos una respuesta después de 48 horas, tiempo durante el cual nuestras operaciones se vieron gravemente afectadas. La falta de asistencia oportuna en momentos cruciales compromete la continuidad del negocio.
7. Funcionalidades básicas ausentes
Funciones esenciales como la gestión avanzada de inventario y la personalización de recibos están ausentes o requieren costosas actualizaciones. Por ejemplo, la incapacidad de ajustar rápidamente los niveles de inventario desde el POS nos obliga a realizar estas modificaciones desde el panel de control en línea, lo que no es práctico en un entorno de venta al por menor de ritmo rápido.
8. Requisitos específicos de dispositivos
La aplicación Shopify POS está disponible solo para dispositivos iOS y Android, excluyendo su uso en computadoras de escritorio o portátiles. Esto limita la flexibilidad operativa y puede requerir inversiones adicionales en dispositivos compatibles.
9. Actualizaciones obligatorias
A partir del 3 de noviembre de 2023, Shopify POS requiere actualizaciones cada 180 días para mantener el acceso a la aplicación. Esto puede generar inconvenientes si no se gestionan adecuadamente las actualizaciones automáticas.
10. Falta de soporte para sistemas operativos beta
La aplicación Shopify POS no admite sistemas operativos beta. Esto restringe el uso en dispositivos que no cumplen con estas especificaciones.
Aunque Shopify POS se integra bien con la plataforma en línea, sus limitaciones en el manejo de múltiples divisas, incompatibilidad con Shopify Payments en México, disponibilidad limitada de hardware, problemas de rendimiento, integración restringida con hardware de terceros, soporte técnico insuficiente, ausencia de funcionalidades básicas, requisitos específicos de dispositivos, actualizaciones obligatorias y falta de soporte para sistemas operativos beta lo hacen inadecuado para operaciones minoristas complejas y de alto volumen en el mercado mexicano. Es esencial que Shopify aborde estas deficiencias para ofrecer una solución POS más robusta y confiable.
Hola, ¡muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de dejar esos comentarios! Realmente apreciamos el nivel de detalle que brindó en sus ideas y cómo las inquietudes en cuestión impactan su negocio a un nivel práctico. He enviado estos comentarios a nuestro equipo de desarrollo con ese contexto. Aunque los ejemplos que proporcionó son limitaciones actuales de la plataforma, trabajamos para mejorar las cosas todo el tiempo teniendo en cuenta a nuestros comerciantes, y sus observaciones son absolutamente invaluables mientras nos esforzamos por hacerlo. Si alguna vez desea proporcionar más, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros a través de para que podamos ayudarlo más.
En términos de obtener asistencia rápida con problemas técnicos, nos esforzamos por responder consultas lo más rápido posible, aunque esto puede variar según la demanda. Continúe comunicándose con nuestro equipo de soporte dedicado siempre que sienta la necesidad y haremos todo lo posible para asesorarlo lo más rápido posible. ¡Gracias de nuevo por la revisión detallada!
- Natasha, soporte de Shopify
If you're running a sizeable retail store, I would not advise against using Shopify POS. We transitioned from a specialized POS provider, which we had successfully used for seven years, only to realize within a week that moving to Shopify POS was a mistake. While Shopify is strong as an e-commerce platform, its POS system has serious limitations that make it unsuitable for established or multi-location retailers.
Key Issues:
Limited Support: Shopify advertises 24/7 support, but in reality, this is chat-only with slow response times, which can be frustrating when immediate assistance is needed for in-store operations.
Nobody to help you out with transitioning from existing to Shopify POS.
Weak Reporting and Search Functions: Extracting meaningful reports is a challenge, and the search functionality is cumbersome. This makes basic day-to-day tasks much harder than they should be.
Poor CRM and Inventory Management: Customer relationship management and stock tracking are inefficient and often unreliable. Managing inventory across multiple locations is especially problematic, which is a major drawback for any growing retail business.
High Maintenance Needs: Due to the above limitations, it seems almost necessary to dedicate an employee solely to troubleshooting and managing issues with the system.
In summary, Shopify POS may be adequate for small or single-location stores, but for anyone managing multiple stores or a more complex retail operation, this system is far from optimal. It has potential as a website platform, but for POS, look elsewhere.
Thank you for sharing this feedback and bringing the issues you’ve been facing to our attention.
I understand your first issue is with limited support and only being able to chat. I am happy to share that our Retail team is available to call 24/7 directly from the POS app by going to ≡ More > Support > Contact Support and call the number you see there. Any staff member with access to the POS app can call us for immediate assistance at any time!
Along with this, I understand your difficulties with transitioning from a long-standing POS provider and am happy to provide your other points of feedback to our developers to improve those areas. If you’d like to discuss these further with our team, please contact us through the app as mentioned previously, or through - Rick, Shopify Support
IT'S DEFINITELY A POS. Hangs constantly and has way too many bugs. Really terrible and tough to get help. We got the overpriced docking station hoping it would help to have everything connected but it doesn't.
Shopify should be embarrassed.
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We certainly understand how important it is to have a reliable POS, our team is available 24/7 to help solve any issues you may be experiencing. You can send a bug report directly from your POS app by going to ≡ More > Support > Report a bug and our team will assess this for you and assist with troubleshooting. You can also contact us directly from the app by going to ≡ More > Support > Contact Support and call the number you see there. We’re happy to help! - Rick, Shopify Support
Sono molto dellusa, dopo una settimana che ho installato POS, cassa fiscale non si collega a software di Shopify (la uso manualmente, ma potevo fare nello stesso modo anche con la cassa di prima) e una settimana che scrivo ad assistenza (solo per chat) dopo poco appare problema tecnico della chat, e devo iniziare di nuovo con prossimo assistente, senza successo. Scritte su scritte senza la risuluzione del problema, spese soldi e solo delusione. Assistenza 7/24 non è vero, perché è inesistente
Grazie per aver dedicato del tempo per condividere la tua recensione! Capisco che stai riscontrando problemi con il nostro supporto via chat e sono felice di comunicarti che il nostro team di vendita al dettaglio è disponibile per chiamare 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 direttamente dall'app POS andando su ≡ Altro > Supporto > Contatta il supporto e chiama il numero che desideri. vedere lì (solo in inglese). Puoi anche inviare il tuo feedback direttamente nell'app POS andando su ≡ Altro > Supporto > Segnala un bug. Una volta inviato il rapporto, il nostro team ti contatterà direttamente per discutere della tua configurazione di vendita al dettaglio e garantire che la nostra app POS funzioni come previsto nella tua regione! - Rick, Shopify Support
Customer care is a joke. Requested to speak with someone over the phone multiple times. Insisted on dealing with issue through chat. absolute joke
Thank you for sharing your review. We certainly understand how important it is to have a reliable POS, therefore our phone support team is available 24/7 to help solve any issues you may be experiencing. You can contact us directly from the POS app by going to ≡ More > Support > Contact Support and call the number you see there. We’re happy to help! - Rick, Shopify Support
I wish I could leave ZERO stars. Not retail friendly in any way. Constant glitches. We regret ever signing on to Shopify POS. Spare yourself and don’t use this company.
Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. It is unfortunate to hear that you have had a poor experience with the app overall. If you would like to get assistance with these issues and troubleshoot with us, you can reach out to the retail team either through for a chat, or call us by reaching the number inside the POS app under More > Support > Contact Support! We are open 24/7 and would be happy to investigate these issues to help POS work smooth for you.
$89 a month for limited "PRO" features is such a waste for small businesses. The most troubling issues amongst a few are: the inability to limit my staff's view of order history. There should be an option to perhaps allow staff to only view at a certain location's order history on the day they're perhaps working, or within a certain time period. Any business owner will understand the concerns that come with staff being able to view the store's ENTIRE order history. There's not option to limit this. Furthermore, I have a traveling company that sells across local markets, to have to pay $89 per market to keep location inventory in sync is just ridiculous. Shopify POS is a ripe off.
Thanks for sharing your feedback about POS Pro! I certainly understand your concern about limiting the order history for staff, and am happy to pass this feedback on to our developers on your behalf. If you’d like to discuss how your inventory is managed by location or anything else further with our team, please contact us through the POS app by going to ≡ More > Support > Contact Support and call the number you see there, we’ll help find solutions for you! - Rick, Shopify Support