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Does everything I hoped it would. Only had one small issue when installing the app due to the theme that I'm using but their support desk was very fast in sorting it out for me. Definitely recommended.
Super happy with the performance of the app as well as the excellent customer service support that I received. Highly recommended.
This app has performed quite well so far. Their support is very quick and easy to work with. Out of all the back in stock apps we've used - this has been the best one.
Dzisiaj zainstalowałem aplikację Swym Back in Stock Alerts. Choć na pierwsze wrażenia jest jeszcze za wcześnie to mogę powiedzieć, że pomoc techniczna to rewelacja. Przede wszystkim nie odesłano mnie do podręcznika, nie kazano mi nic robić, nie zadawano też pytań, na które nie znałem odpowiedzi. W kilka minut aplikacja została ustawiona tak jak tego oczekiwałem. Pięć gwiazdek to zbyt mało. Dodam kolejne jak tylko zobaczę aplikację w akcji.
Today I installed Swym Back in Stock Alerts app. Although it is still too early for first impressions, I can say that technical support is a revelation. First of all, I wasn't sent back to a manual, I wasn't told to do anything, and I wasn't asked questions I didn't know the answer to. In a few minutes the application was set up as expected. Five stars is not enough. I will add more as soon as I see the app in action.
We really enjoy this app! All apps have small issues, however, the main driving factor in whether or not we maintain using an app is the support that is offered.
I can say the very small issues we've run into so far have all been promptly fixed. The support is great from these devs and we will continue to use this app moving forward.
Great support and happy with the ability to offer customers value when we are out of stock. Worth looking at!
I think this app is critical for any serious store owner who regularly has items out of stock. Builds your email list and generates sales. Support is fast too.
so far so good! support is quick and the app is easy to modify
I had an issue with set up and just could not get it working. I emailed support and they replied within an hour and had it up and running! So far so good!
Straightforward app that does exactly what its meant to do and the support team is really efficient as well.