Galerie propagovaných obrázků

Add WhatsApp chat widget, contact button and customer service to your store. Link unlimited agents.
WhatsApp makes online interactions instant, easy, and powerful. It helps ecommerce companies overcome the limited physical customer interaction. By providing WhatsApp chat button on your store, you allow customers to have a chance to communicate with your brand in the way they want. Display WhatsApp floating widget on product page, collection page, blog, home page, and more.
- Add multiple agents, make them offline/online
- Add widget to all pages of your store
- Setup takes 2 minutes. Saves you lost sales.
- Důležité informace
- Funguje s nejnovějšími motivy
Tato aplikace není přeložena do jazyka čeština
Funguje s:
- Product Page
- Homepage
- Collection Page
Recenze (89)
Everything is great, it works. open WhatsApp immediately. Thank you for free) .................................
Its fine and easy to use. We appreciate the app because it help us to reach our customer right away
Recentemente instalado vamos observar como ele se comporta no dia-a-dia, aparentemente funcional e visualmente agradavel.
Good Simple App for integrating whatsapp - Must use. Now we can monitor customer messages on the go. It will definitely boost sales.
Podporu aplikace poskytuje Boss Apps.
Tento vývojář nenabízí přímou podporu v jazyce Čeština.
Ludhiana, PB, IN
7. prosinec 2022
Více aplikací jako je tato