Marketing analytics apps

Get insights on how your marketing is doing and what you can improve.

204 apps
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3-day free trial
Track the impact of your Ads with automatic ROAS calculations
Making e-commerce data interesting and amusing.
3-day free trial
Analyze recordings & view customers sessions in action.
7-day free trial
Install GTM,GA4 with full Data Layer support
14-day free trial
Easily add pixels to track conversions from various platforms
1-day free trial
Real-time A/B split testing made easy
Enhanced tracking solution for KonnectBio platform.
14-day free trial
Advanced Analytics solution to boost your sales
Key CRM Insights and Metrics with InstanteStore
30-day free trial
Server-side tagging, conversion tracking & attribution
Automatic purchase tracking tool, and conversion optimization
Free plan available
Create unlimited surveys and get your visitors' feedbacks.
204 apps

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