Free Ads & Traffic Collabs
- Pricing
Free plan available
- Highlights
- Use directly in Shopify admin
- Rating
- 0.0 (0 Reviews)
- Developer
- Sociativa
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Enjoy free ads & traffic collabs by partnering with other stores to promote your products!
Partner & collaborate with other stores to promote your products! This app enables you to find and collaborate with other shops to showcase your products to their established thrusting audiences through their stores or newsletters. In return, you promote their products as well, fostering mutual success. Enhance your brand, extend your reach, and attract new customers — all without any commissions. For instance, partners can feature products from each other's stores in their newsletters.
- Get free ads & traffic by partnering with other stores to promote your products!
- Find compatible audiences through businesses that align with your target market.
- Reach new audiences & leverage influence of recognized figures in your niche.
- Track customer interactions through integrated detailed analytics.
- Partners can feature products from each other's stores in their newsletters.
- Highlights
- Use directly in Shopify admin
Works with
- Mailchimp
- Klaviyo
- Aftership
- Yopto
- This Free plan offers:
- - 10 Inbound clicks
- - 5 Proposals
- - 1 Partnership
$19.99 / month
- This Bronze plan offers:
- - 50 Inbound clicks
- - 10 Proposals
- - 2 Partnership
$49.99 / month
- This Silver plan offers:
- - 100 Inbound clicks
- - 15 Proposals
- - 4 Partnership
$59.99 / month
- This Gold plan offers:
- - 200 Inbound clicks
- - 25 Proposals
- - 8 Partnership
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
0% of ratings are 5 stars
0% of ratings are 4 stars
0% of ratings are 3 stars
0% of ratings are 2 stars
0% of ratings are 1 stars
App support provided by Sociativa.
Or visit their support portalResources
November 29, 2024
Data access
This app needs access to the following data to work on your store. Learn why in the developer's privacy policy .
View personal data:
Store owner
Store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address
View and edit store data:
Products, Online Store
Edit products
Product listings, products, publications of products on sales channels, or collections
Edit your Online Store
Script tags in your Online Store or theme