Stamp ‑ Variants on Collection
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Customize your collection page to display variants separately or show product price ranges easily.
Show variants separately on your collection page or display product price ranges to improve shopping ease. This app helps customers quickly find the right style, size, or color by displaying variants as individual items. Store owners can also customize price range formats and adjust variant titles to match their brand. With a clearer layout and better navigation, enhances the shopping experience, boosts engagement, and increases sales. Compatible with 13 free themes & 20+ popular paid themes!
- Show variants on collection separately with multiple variant images
- Customizable price range of products on collection pages
- Hide unavailable products/variants and more...
- Highlights
- Use directly in Shopify admin
- Works with the latest themes
Free Plan
- 1 collection limit
- Variants list separately (color, size)
- Custom price range for products
- Hide unavailable product/variant
Standard Plan
$9 / month
or $90/year and save 17%
- Unlimited collections limit
- Variants list separately
- Custom price range for products
- Hide unavailable product/variant
- Customise add to cart button
- Translation for Button and Badge
Advanced Plan
$19 / month
or $190/year and save 17%
- Included Standard plan
- Price range & Variants per collection
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (3)
- 100% of ratings are 5 stars
0% of ratings are 4 stars
0% of ratings are 3 stars
0% of ratings are 2 stars
0% of ratings are 1 stars
I wanted to separate the variants of my products and looked for apps. I ended up with this one, but my theme wasn’t compatible with the app. However, the support team was immediately there for me and set everything up right away. I can highly recommend this app!
Excellent support, was able to solve the integration of the app with my theme. Now the variants problem has been solved for me
I was looking for a way to display a product cost range on Collection and came across this amazing app in the Shopify App Store. As a newcomer to Shopify, I initially struggled with the setup, but Tan from customer support was incredibly helpful in guiding me through the process and ensuring the app met my needs. I highly recommend this app—it works perfectly, and the support team is reliable and responsive if you ever need assistance!
App support provided by Sezerium.
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Burgemeester van de stadstraat, Zaandam, 1501sj, NL
January 3, 2025
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