SM Estimated Delivery Date ETA
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Reduce shipping time inquiry, more sales with estimated delivery date, delivery time (ETA/EDD)
Simesy Estimated Delivery Date allow you to display estimated delivery date information (EDD/ETA) such as: dispatch date, shipping date, delivery time & delivery date. Use shipping estimator feature to show animated estimated shipping date on product page, cart page, checkout, thank you, order status page & order email. Rush customer to checkout with delivery timer & clear delivery estimation. Reduce order delivery date & shipping date inquiries and increase sales conversion rates.
- Display delivery estimation (ETA/EDD) on product/cart/checkout page & email.
- Estimated delivery date (ETA/EDD) for specific products & collections.
- Set estimated shipping date based on country & province/state.
- Configure working days, cut-off time, holidays & countdown timer
- Show expected delivery date & shipping date without coding.
- Highlights
- Use directly in Shopify admin
- Works with the latest themes
Works with
- Estimated delivery date
- Delivery date
- Delivery time
- Online Store 2.0
- Unlimited views
- Unlimited products
- Message text, visual timeline
- Working days, cut-off time
$5.99 / month
or $60/year and save 17%
- ETA rule for products, collections, tags
- ETA rule by countries
- Display on cart, checkout, order email
- Zipcode checker
- Translations
7-day free trial
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (68)
The app does exactly what it says it does. It actually has the perfect settings for what it's intended for. The support is also fast, clear, friendly and efficient. All my recommendations.
Hello there and thanks for the amazing review! We appreciate it a lot! Thanks for appreciating our efforts and if you need any assistance, our support is here for you.
Great customer service. Justin is responsive and always solves my queries in no time. The app has addressed our need for a dynamic delivery ETA, especially with custom rules for different countries and states. Highly recommended!
Really nice app, custumers really like having this kind of info at hand
Hello there and thanks for the amazing review! We appreciate it a lot! Thanks for appreciating our efforts and if you need any assistance, our support is here for you.
The app is very useful. The support team has supported me a lot. The cost is not too high, I really like this app
Hello there and thanks for the amazing review! We appreciate it a lot! Thanks for appreciating our efforts and if you need any assistance, our support is here for you.
I'm pleased with the app as it has helped our store boost conversion rate.
Hello there and thanks for the amazing review! We appreciate it a lot! Thanks for appreciating our efforts and if you need any assistance, our support is here for you.
App support provided by Simesy.
Vinhome Westpoint, Pham Hung, Ha Noi, 100000, VN
August 17, 2021
Data access
This app needs access to the following data to work on your store. Learn why in the developer's privacy policy .
View personal data:
Store owner
Store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address
View store data:
Products, Online Store
View products
Inventory, products, or collections
View your Online Store
View other data
Locales or Shopify Markets settings