Givy → Gifting & Gift Cards
Meets Shopify's highest quality standards for speed, ease of use, and merchant value
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Gift card, product & subscription gifting, corporate gifts, bulk gift cards, migrate or import cards
Easily sell gift cards and let customers send gift cards as gifts. Make any product, subscription, membership, or gift card giftable. Send a personal message, add a GIF, video message, and schedule the gift delivery. Sell gift cards with fixed or custom amounts, and create hundreds of gift cards for customer loyalty. Print gift cards in bulk or link them to physical gift cards. Enable corporate gifting & influencer seeding. Migrate or import gift cards. Sell multiple gifts in one checkout.
- Product gifting → enable gifting on any product, send gift card as a gift
- Custom amounts → sell gift cards in the denomination that your customers choose
- Bulk gift cards & campaigns → email or print gift cards for loyal customers
- Multi-currency and multi-lingual → gifting in any currency or language
- Subscription & membership gifting → use with any subscription or membership app
- Highlights
- Popular with businesses in United States
- Use directly in Shopify admin
- Works with the latest themes
English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), and German
Works with
- Checkout
- Easy Subscriptions, Recurpay
- Bold, Recharge, Appstle, Skio
- Awtomic, Stay AI, Smartrr
- OrderGroove, Subify, Seal
- Loop, PayWhirl, RecurrinGO
- Yotpo, Klaviyo, Omnisend
Card types
Delivery options
- Create or sell 10 gift cards or gifts for free
- Sell gift cards with custom amounts
- Customize all emails
- Subscription & product gifting
$9 / month
2% of orders with gifts and gift cards created using the app
- Unlimited gifts and gift cards
- Create bulk gift cards
- Send gift cards to existing customers by email
- Send emails from a custom domain
$99 / month
1% of orders with gifts and gift cards created using the app
- Access to all features
- Reduced transaction fee
- Onboarding session to optimize program
- Great for Valentine's Day and other gifting holidays
$199 / month
Includes $50,000USD/month in gifts. Merchants selling more than this should contact us to discuss a custom plan
- Access to all features
- No transaction fees
- Dedicated account manager
- Access to beta features
- Some customizations available
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days. See all pricing options
Reviews (31)
- 100% of ratings are 5 stars
0% of ratings are 4 stars
0% of ratings are 3 stars
0% of ratings are 2 stars
0% of ratings are 1 stars
Amazing customer support!
Great customer service
The app works well; it's seamless, easy to manage, and intuitive enough for the merchant, customer, and recipient.
The Customer Support team was responsive, knowledgeable, and great to work with, especially "Grant" and "JP.
Thanks, guys!
John Arlotta
Excellent service, very happy with our gift card for our store!
Thank you for the elegant and intelligently designed app, the feature upgrades, and the great attitude. Here’s to continuing our wonderful collaboration ❤️
App support provided by Givy.
Get supportResources
April 1, 2024
Data access
This app needs access to the following data to work on your store. Learn why in the developer's privacy policy .
View personal data:
Customers, store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address, geolocation, IP address, browser and operating system
Store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address
View and edit store data:
Products, orders, discounts, gift cards, Shopify Functions, Online Store
Edit products
Inventory, products, publications of products on sales channels, product listings, or collections
Edit orders
Merchant managed fulfillment, all order details for the last 60 days, or shipping information
View and Sync Discounts
Discount codes and promotions
Edit gift cards
Adjusting gift cards or gift cards
Edit Shopify Functions
Cart transforms or cart and checkout validations
View your Online Store
View other data
Selling plans
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