Hepsiburada Entegrasyon Sentos
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- Use directly in Shopify admin
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- Developer
- Sentos Software Technologies
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Hepsiburada ürünlerinin ve mağazanızdaki ürünlerin, Stok, Fiyat entegrasyonunu gerçekleştirir.
Hepsiburada kanalı sayesinde, Shopify içinde Hepsiburada ürünlerinizi kontrol edebilirsiniz; Hepsiburada 'daki ürünlerinizi Shopify'da listeleyebilirsiniz, Hepsiburada ürünlerinizin Stok ve Fiyat bilgilerini ister otomatik, ister manuel olarak senkronize edebilirsiniz. Shopify üzerinden veya Hepsibura'dan sipariş aldığınızda ürün stokları iki tarafta da otomatik eşitlenir. Hepsiburada sipariş senkronizasyon özelliği ile siparişlerinizi Shopify Siparişler sekmesinden görüntüleyebilirsiniz.
- Hepsiburada ürünü mağazanızda yoksa Shopify'a ekleyebilme özelliği.
- Stok ve Fiyat manuel veya otomatik güncelleme
- Siparişlerinin senkronize edilmesi
- Sipariş ve ciro takibi
- Highlights
- Use directly in Shopify admin
This app is not translated into English
Works with
- Hepsiburada
Notifications and reports
- 10 sipariş içeri aktarım
- 10 ürün eşleme
- 100 Hepsiburada ürünü limiti
- Manuel fiyat güncelleme
- Manuel stok güncelleme
- 3 iş günü içinde Destek
$5 / month
- 75 sipariş içeri aktarım
- 250 ürün eşleme
- 1000 Hepsiburada ürünü limiti
- Otomatik fiyat, stok güncelleme
- 3 iş günü içinde Destek
$10 / month
- 500 sipariş içeri aktarım
- 500 ürün eşleme
- 3000 Hepsiburada ürünü limiti
- Otomatik fiyat güncelleme
- Otomatik stok güncelleme
- Sınırsız Destek
$15 / month
- Hepsiburada Ürününü Shopify'a Aktarma
- Sınırsız sipariş aktarım
- Sınırsız ürün eşleme
- Sınırsız ürün limiti
- Oto Fiyat Stok
- Sınırsız Destek
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
0% of ratings are 5 stars
0% of ratings are 4 stars
0% of ratings are 3 stars
0% of ratings are 2 stars
0% of ratings are 1 stars
App support provided by Sentos Software Technologies.
This developer doesn't offer direct support in English.
Selçuk Üniversitesi T.G.B. Konya Teknokent, Konya, 42000, TR
December 27, 2024
Data access
This app needs access to the following data to work on your store. Learn why in the developer's privacy policy .
View personal data:
Customers, store owner, content providers
Name, email address, phone number, physical address, geolocation, IP address, browser and operating system, browsing behavior, client ID cookie
Store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address
Content providers
Email address, IP address, browser and operating system
View and edit store data:
Customers, products, orders, discounts, gift cards, store credit, marketing, store analytics, companies and company locations, Shopify Payments, Shopify Functions, Online Store, Shopify admin, other services
Edit customers
Customer data erasure, browsing behavior, merge customers, or customer data
Edit products
Inventory, product feeds, product listings, products, publications of products on sales channels, or collections
Edit orders
Assigned fulfillment, draft orders, order fulfillments, merchant managed fulfillment, order edits, all order details for the last 60 days, Packing slip template, returns, shipping information, or third-party fulfillment
View and Sync Discounts
Discount codes and promotions
Edit gift cards
Gift cards
Edit store credit
Store credit account transactions or store credit accounts
Edit marketing
Marketing events
Edit store analytics
Analytics, Custom pixels, or Pixels
Edit companies and company locations
Edit Shopify Payments
Shopify Payments accounts, Shopify Payments disputes, or Shopify Payments payouts
Edit Shopify Functions
Cart transforms, Access for delivery customizations, Access for order submission rules, Access for payment customizations, or cart and checkout validations
Edit your Online Store
Pages on your Online Store, metaobject definitions, metaobjects, Online Store pages, script tags in your Online Store, or theme
Edit Shopify admin
Files, legal policies, or Manage privacy settings of the shop
Edit other services
Sales channels
Edit other data
Cart transforms, All checkout completion target customizations, retail cash tracking sessions, checkout branding settings, Custom fulfillment services, delivery option generators, discounts allocator functions, Discovery API, Access for fulfillment constraint rules, Gates, locales, locations, Shopify Markets settings, Online Store navigation, Payment Terms, price rules, purchase options, reports, resource feedbacks, Shopify Payments bank accounts, sensitive information of the Shopify Payments provider account, or translations
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